Chrmd (433265)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (98 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Spiderman Wallpaper Set
Published May 16, 2008
About Me
I live in South East England and enjoy many hobbies.
My Latest Updates Show All
1000 Thanks! :DWritten Jun 05, 2008
Wow. Thank you all so much. I have just reached the 1000 thanks mark. Well it was 1002 when I logged on hehe. I am glad you all liked my creations and I wanted to thank you too. Happy simming Amanda ...More
Problems getting on Sims2 to create.Written Oct 17, 2007
Okay I have had a few problems with playing Sims 2 since installing Bon Voyage. I originally thought it was my graphics cards even though there should be no problems. The problem obviously was the graphics in some way I thought and made it pretty much impossible to play. Although the video at the beginning and everything worked perfectly. So I ended up uninstalling the whole lot.... ...More
First entry :)Written Aug 19, 2007
Although I don't even have half the talent of alot of artists on TSR, I do enjoy building. So I have decided that I will create small homes for under $20,000. With Maxis only content unless with my own walls. Well that is the plan. I have tried to build small homes for that price and it is alot harder than most would think. :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
enchanting58Dec 20, 2011
Hi, I wish them all by
heart of a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 with much health
and happiness.
HarmoniaJul 05, 2010
hi, thanks for nice comment on my Chiffon Dress With Sequin Detail I'm really glad you like it! have a great day...
baterkaMar 28, 2010
Gratz on winning the tsr lottery!