Cloisonne's Blog
Thank you to all those for taking the time to answer my poll,it will be a great help in my studies. Also I hope you are all enjoying my creations now that they are free.Retired
As you have probably all seen by now I am officially retired. I have truly enjoyed my time here at TSR and as an FA, and who knows one day I may start submitting again.Meanwhile I would like to thank all those who downloaded my creations and took the time to give me some great feedback without that, it would not been as much fun as it was.I hope you continue to enjoy what I have done and have lots of fun with your Sims.:)
Current Project
Right now I am working on a request for a recolour of Cashcraft's Beautiful Victorian Bathroom. I decided to recolour both her Victorian Addon sets for those who would like the decor items to go with it.I have nearly finished,just got to get those snapshots prepared. Lol and their certainly is quite a few items in total. Here's a small preview.
Spring Bathroom
Spring Bathroom set to be free tomorrow.Blue Flu
Often I have a real problem knowing what to write in my blog.The words certainly don't come easy,I don't want to ramble on and incessantly go on and on about all the mundane things in my life ,like recently my entire family has been struck down with this awful flu bug that seems to be going around this winter.Easily I can say thats a boring read right?Actually after 2 weeks I am still not completely over it,I been able to create one set at least and hope to get some more done this weekend,before I go back to college and the never ending pile of work.
Reading around various places lately,there seems to be a lot of discontent and negative feelings not just in the sims gaming community,but in general. I cant understand why really,because we have more in our lives now than we ever have.Maybe that is the problem who knows perhaps we have to much? All I know is,life is to short.
New creations
There are some new creations in the pipeline,finally I have a little free time to do some creating. I think it's great being busy so much, but must admit to missing creating my simmy stuff when I had more time to do it.Anyway watch this space there will be something soon!Free sets.
A gift from me for Christmas and New year,thankyou to all those who left such kind and thoughtful comments in the last year. It had really been appreciated. Merry Christmas all and I hope you all have a great New year.24th-30th festive Babydolls and Golden Snowdrop kitchen from 27th for one week.
It's been great getting some feedback from the poll on what room colours you all prefer.Although I suspected when posting the poll that Neutrals would be strongly favoured.It's still been interesting,I will leave it there a few days more, then try something new. I like to create rooms in all kinds of colours, I dont really have a personal preference. I suppose my favorite depends on my mood at the time.