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Cloisonne's Blog

Revised Mesh

I have replaced the Continental Endtable with a new file as off today, because of some problem with mail dissapearing. As this is fixed now, it now works fine.However the endtable recolours will look slightly different to the previews, but equally as nice.


Just a couple of previews of what's to come.


Here a preview of my Sunbright kids room,When I made the main screenshot, I forgot I hadn't included the bedding.So here it is!

Back to College

Today I enrolled in a new college course on Illustration which starts in a couple of weeks.I cant wait to get started,I enjoy learning far more now than I did in my younger years.Lol not that I am that old,yet!

I will still be creating things for TSR,as normal.Creations are a little bit slower in coming at the moment, because I am in the thick of learning the meshing process.A late starter in that, as many creators and fellow FA'S are well established in meshing already.Initially when I first tried, it frustrated me so much I completely lost interest.Right now I cant stop making meshes,I am testing my first 2 objects before I upload.The rest will come much later, when I have better experience and know how.I am fussy with my creations and wont submit until I am completely happy with it.

I dont know where this new found enthusiam for meshing has come from,but right now I cant seem to leave it alone.


Well finally after some time away from TSR for a Holiday,before the kids went back to school.Popping in occasionally to say thanks for all the nice comments I received.I was quite staggered at the amount of comments that accumalated over my holiday,it was nice to get them even if it took me the best part of the day to reply back to them all.

On the Sims front although there hasn't been much uploaded from me in the past couple of weeks, I have been incredibly busy.Playing with every aspect of the creative side,except the game, I never got time to play the game.I am been painting eyes, recolouring glasses, as well as my usual recolour stuff,which will get uploaded soon.Creating new textures,hoods and even making new meshes.Meshes? No you've not seen those from me yet.

Honnoi Preview

Next on my list of uploads Honnoi previewed here.Sometimes I wish I could whip up a recolor in just a couple of hours.It never works that way at all,I was thinking today how much thought really goes into a room recolor.How absorbed one gets in choosing colour, texture,design and complimenting furntiure.How wonderful it feels when everything comes together nicely,and yet frustrating on other times when nothing seems to flow as you would like it to. Sometimes you get it just as you like first time and then other times redo,redo and redo.That final feeling of satifaction that comes from achievement and completion lasting only momentarily until the next idea pops in your head.Then off you go again,going over the same excited creative urge and process all over again.Well that was just my thought's for today! From now on in my future rooms ,that may have reflective floors in the set.I realise that not everyone wants or has powerful pcs to enable them to use the reflective floors alot in their game.So I will add the Homecrafter version also.


I thought I would add a screenshot from one of my latest recolour's.A bathroom with a nice large shower area, seahorse windows recolored from Windkeepers fab helio window.Probably best suited for last months theme.Oh well we got to go the way our creative mood takes us. I've been so busy I haven't created as much as I had hoped this week,the time has completely run away with me.


I am nearly done with all my recent requests just one reflective floor set left to upload.Sometimes but not always it's nice to create a recolour set that matches a previous one, except in a different room type.

I wouldn't want to be doing them all the time though,I did enjoy doing the Coralline colour theme again.I am so glad I keep all the textures that I use.Often one texture can be used to a variety of things and looks different everytime,others you use one time and wish you could find a use for it again.

Thank you to those who have been making recolour requests lately, they have been really enjoyable to do, I hope you all like them.

Reflective floor tiles

It's 2am and gone here and way past my bedtime.I wanted to get my set of Reflective Floor tile recolors uploaded before daylight.As they are a request I was anxious to get them completed. Forgive me if none of this makes any sense.

There will be a couple more sets to follow the Colormix set in a day or to.I have created a bathroom recolor from Bitzybus Pentago bathroom using 2 shades of the reflection tiles and couldn't really upload it until I have the Colormix set published.

When joining these tiles together you will notice a very slight line in them, which I'm afraid there is nothing much I can do about fixing it.I dont think it spoils the look of the floor though.


I been trying my hand at creating some neighbourhoods, which I will be uploading soon.I had a fabulous fun time creating them,Netseeker2 tutorial is very easy to follow. I couldn't help but make one mistake though,a simple typo mistake which was helpfully pointed out by Netseeker2.

I am rather proud of the fact that I still have many things to learn,wouldn't life be dull if there was nothing left to learn? Anyhow it made a change from recoloring and skinning.What next meshing?;)

What next?, well I have had a couple of recolor requests which I will be working on soon. A recolored lounge which I am halfway through.
Nothing is in any particular order at the moment,so what you'll see offered on my pages in the next couple of weeks will be more like a lucky dip than anything.

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Revised Mesh Previews Bright Back to College Finally! Honnoi Preview Screenshot Requests Reflective floor tiles Hoods
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