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Cloisonne's Blog

Skintone Update

I spent a few hours completing my skintone today.Trying to get is as perfect as I could, well,perfect in my mind anyway.I dont think it is as perfect as I would have liked, but think it's a fair improvement on the ones I lost.Anyway who's perfect?

I changed the skintones of the Toddler and child to compliment the others.With the exception of the Elders, I left them as they where.I will occasionally change the elders to.

The preview pic from Bodyshop makes the skintone appear fairly dark,yet in the game it's a fair amount lighter.As you may see from the preview pics, they are both the same shade, except one has tatoos and jewellery the other is a plain skintone with no extras.

Snapdragon bedroom boxes.

I have now set the correct Id number for the mesh for these boxes,if the link still takes you to Cashcrafts vases then the id number for the boxes mesh is 258182 and ca be found with the meshes for the Asian inspired bedroom set. I am sorry for this it is entirely my an error on my part.


Well so much for uploading my skintones,perhaps that will teach me to leave them in my folder to long.Thanks to the Family fun pack I lost the entire contents off my projects folder.(Oh I know I should have backed it up)and maybe I would have, had I realised family fun pack was more like an EP than just a few extra addons. I realised when I uninstalled the fun pack,that split second of studity and the click of the mouse.Babooom all gone.

I wasn't entirely happy with how all the skintones where anyway,origionally having made them for my own use,I didn't worry to much.I didn't think anyone would like them enough to want them.I'll start from scratch again.This time upload them pronto.


A few days ago I switched my comments back on again after leaving them off.After today I am seriously considering switching them off again.So I apologise beforehand to the person who wanted me to switch them on,as the way I feel right now, I may not leave them on much longer.

I think it a real shame that there are a few people out there who feel the need to insult or leave negative comments.By this I mean those who have neither anything constructive or sensible to say.Ok, if you dont like something that someone takes the time to create to your taste or not,why bother to take the time to insult or malign that person for their efforts? On the whole people respect others efforts and are very nice,it just a shame for these few bad ones who want to spoil it for everyone.

A message to those taking the time leaving horrible comments to either myself, any other FA or creator in general.At least have some some constructive critism not just insults.And at least try and create something yourself,and see if you think you can do better at least that will be a positive out of your free time and not a negative.

Skinning Break

Even though skinning is still my favorite,every once in while I fancy a change from skinning mainly object recoloring which I have been these last few days.Sometimes I open bodyshop sit and stare at it, even though the ideas are always there and still flowing in,the urge and excitement to begin the creation just isn't there.That is the time when I need the creative change.

Maybe I will manage to get my finger out and upload the skin tones that I have been asked about so many times.I would have uploaded before now, but am not entirely happy with the other ages skintones.

Blank Mind

Two blog updates in a month, I must really be getting the hang of it.Not that I got anything sensible or interesting to say.Other's blogs seem to flow nicely and are even an interesting read.Mine, just makes my mind go blank.I am Back into my skinning mood again,lingerie mostly,I always drift back into that,when I want to get lost in detail.
I really am so grateful to Grizzelda for creating babydoll mesh,she's a real star....back to creating!


Honestly, I dont really have a pink thing going on at the moment,just fancied a change.Been back into object recoloring lately,after a long episode of mainly skinning.I realised lately how many meshes out there dont actually have many color choices with them.It's great to see so many meshes coming it keeps us recolor people very busy not to mention inspired.

New sets for march

I am currently working on sets for march,the first to be uploaded in the next day or two.The new EP isn't far off now I am looking forward to see ing what Maxis offer us next.


I'm not one for being much good at blogs,theres a few sets I am working on right now,some complete some still in the process.I like to keep an element of surprise.Hence the lack of descriptions in my blog.

Teen Graci

Teen graci for those who wanted the teen version sorry it's late.

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Skintone Update Snapdragon bedroom boxes. Skintones Comments Skinning Break Blank Mind Pink New sets for march Blogs Teen Graci
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