Crass (406740)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (190 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sweetpea Cottage
Published Nov 25, 2007
About Me
I'm a quirky, latent Goth gal who values her solitude, the blessing of Indian cuisine, and the joy of Buddhism. I love playing Sims because it's like Barbies for grown-ups. I'm an avid builder and ran the S2HBAA Monthly Building Contest in our Challenges and Contests forum. You can find my lots, walls, and floors exclusively at TSR. I'm a very proud member of S2HBAA and the TSRAA!
My Latest Updates Show All
Still alive!Written Sep 07, 2012
Yes, I am still around! Thank you, everyone, for the messages. I'm so sorry for being missing for so long. I've had to take over someone else's job at work (while still doing my own), so I've been way too consumed with boring real-life stuff. Yuck! I don't anticipate things changing at work any time soon, so I'm going to say right here that the S2HBAA... ...More
Forum updateWritten Nov 27, 2011
Happy Holidays, everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I put the new S2HBAA monthly contest up on the gorgeous new TSR Forums! Because of the server migration, I was not able to get November's contest up in a reasonable amount of time, so the monthly contest is actually a November/December contest intead! Hopefully this will give you some extra time to work on your... ...More
SummerheadWritten Aug 19, 2011
Hi everyone! Enjoying the last quiet days before school starts up again! (I work full-time at a university.) Although you haven't seen me around much in creating-mode here at TSR, I've been incredibly productive this past year. I finished my first novel last year ("Dial 999: A Jon Hunter Mystery," which you can find on, and I've been working on some old... ...More