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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set
Rebel Cheerleader Costume Set
The costume is a 3 piece set and includes the following items:
- 4 full cheerleader outfits (top and bottom)
- 3 pairs of gloves
- 3 pairs of stockings
- Mesh tops with Psycho, Evil, Rebel, and Morbid college lettering
- Pleated short skirts with leather studded belt
- Teens - Elders
- Athletic and Party category
- Full body and short dresses
- Gloves and Stocking are accessories
* The costume is perfect for your rebel sims to wear on Halloween or who love to play dress-up/ role play. *
Thank you to all the lovely and very talented artists who make custom content for our Sims.
Short URL:
ItemID: 1310011
Filesize: 605 KB
Rebel Cheerleader Costume is a 3 piece set.
- Top and Skirt (4 colors)
- 3 pairs of gloves
- 3 pairs of stockings
- Recolor or New: Recolor
- Type: Outfits
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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