If I did this, would you be interested?
I'm thrilled we can now make custom patterns from scratch for Sims 3. I've uploaded one already, and I have a few more to come.
However, for most textures I need, the in-game EA patterns are more than enough when modified. But I also know of another player who simply hasn't the patience and would rather download ready-textured sets. So, the question I'm asking is: if you prefer PLAYING, can YOU be bothered to paint everything yourself? That is: would you be interested in downloading small (and free) ready-recoloured themed sets to save you the bother of creating them yourself? If so, I'll upload my recoloured objects (I have two small sets at the moment: trashed-up bathroom and trashed-up park equipment). They can easily be recoloured without changing the trashy look so they're simple to use.
If there is interest, they probably won't be uploaded at TSR (TSR only accepts brand new custom patterns - not object recolours) but I have another location lined up. Let me know what you think. Interested, or not interested in downloading themed, EA-retextured objects? Add your comments below - and thanks for your input!