No Sims were harmed during Removal of the Ladder
My latest Sims 3 lot (a trashed-up horrible little play-park called Bless The Little Dears) has no ladder to the pool. Before anyone starts pointing fingers, it was a totally deliberate act on my part.
Well, I just got sick of stupid Sims piling into the tiny (meant to be paddling) pool and ENJOYING THEMSELVES! They were supposed to be having a beastly time. So I took the ladder away. I hasten to add that, unlike a small and unmentionable incident back in early Sims 2 days, I did this time wait until all Sims had climbed out of the pool before removing the ladder. RIP poor 'Robert 'of Sims 2. In memorium to a boy who'd just reached his teenage years; who in March 2005 drowned in an incident that could only be described as unmitigated cruelty...
Well, I couldn't resist. I HAD to see what would happen if I took the ladder away. I mean: I thought he'd just climb out! Or something. Stupid Robert. RIP (Rest In Puddles).
EDIT: Midnight's right - stupid Sims can STILL go in the pool. I want to find out how we can drain water out of pools. Anyone up for making a hack?