New Windows!!!
We wanted to be sure we could do it before we made any false promises, but Murano and I both have our first windows in game!
It took a lot of battling to find the window masks, but Apple, Ricci2882 and AnoeskaB finally dug them out after hours of searching and experimenting, and then Murano found a way of extracting them nicely (because window masks are not cloned with the window mesh yet). The end result is that I now have four windows made! Sorry about the, er, building, but I just wanted something to slap windows on. Don't worry - I won't upload it...
For anyone thinking "what on EARTH is she on about?", window-masks are the textures that control where the 'hole in the wall will be for the window. Without a wallmask, there is no hole - so it was pretty important to find them.
Humble Beginnings
I wanted to start with something very, very simple, so I decided to extend the game's Colonial windows. I wanted a 2-tile rectangular and arched version that were full size, together with a matching 1-tile full version. The latest addition is a 2-tile round window. There are minor problems right now (which everyone is experiencing) where the textures are shifting slightly, misplacing natural shadows (for example, where window crossbars join the main frame there is a touch of shading, but that is dropping down below the bars). Therefore I don't have a release date yet; however, once these mapping problems have been zapped, I'll remake the windows to ensure the texture is correct.
But we have windows in Sims 3 already, folks!
Thanks owed to some real community awesomeness!
As well as three clever folks at TSR named above, these windows have been made possible by some already-incredible tools at Simlogical. Thanks to everyone working together in the community (especially Peter and Inge Jones for S3 Object Cloner and Package Editor, (truly fantastic tools already - even though we're so early into custom content), Wes-H for our Milkshape plugins and tools so we can edit the stuff we clone, and TSR and the community at large who have been contributing any information they've uncovered in the goal towards making our beloved custom content possuble for Sims 3.