Size is everything!
Well, often, that phrase is a lot of stuff and nonsense and there is too much silly pap about size in all sorts of things!
But bigger is NOT better when it comes to Sims 3 content file sizes! If you've downloaded my latest set: Cubit Windows (pictured left), you'll see that the file sizes are now tiny, thanks to the latest Workshop version!
So my NEXT priority is to resize my last set, the Colonial windows. I'm already a quarter of the way through this process, and I hope by the time I've finished it that the finishing touches to TSR's new 'updates' feature will be working (downloaders will be notified automatically of updates).
Update: all windows, the beer keg and the oil drum are fully resized - a big improvement! I'm now awaiting some technical help to upload them - so everything should be with you shortly!