Oldest Mistake In History? (Another urinal!)
I'm sorry that my blog seems to be so toilet-and-urinal obsessed lately! There are no therapists who specialise in such obsessions where I live, so you'll just have to put up with another toilet-discussion...
Yes, another urinal tale - a tale of an old mistake, a tale of something that 3571 people (out of 3572) did not spot - and why should you? You don't spend your lives planting urinals on Sim walls, do you? (if you do, do YOU know of any good therapists I could call?)
Back in January 2005 (oh-so-long-ago), my Urban Renewal urinal came to be. Unfortunately, it usurped the GUID of the Maxis community urinal. That's because I thought I was making a recolour, and quite forgot I had to clone the entire package so that we could have the urinal in our residential catalogs too.
Three years later, thanks to MsBarrows, I have uploaded a repaired urinal (and set it to be free so you can acquire it if you no longer have a subscription).
Link to the download page:
Urban Renewal Urinal (updated)