Improved Flat Roof Trims (fences)...
I've been contacting anyone I know has downloaded my flat Roof Trims but there are still some 400+ of you out there who I can't find, so I hope this finds YOU instead!
If you've used the flat roof trims already, you might have noticed that, if you join up a diagonal and straight piece, the corner ends of both pieces jut out in an unsightly way. I couldn't find a way of fixing this previously. However, I've since found that, if I make the diagonal a wider piece than the straight piece, this makes the corner edges meet up properly - just about (it's improved, anyway).
And if you are one of the good folks I PM'd earlier, and you redownloaded the trims immediately, you might still not have the most up to date trims (the servers were a bit slow in keeping up with me). If you DO have the most up to date versions, you'll find that diagonals and straights intersect with barely any join showing at all.
Flat Roof Trims (fences)
As usual, my sincerest for YET ANOTHER botch job!
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