Blue Screen of Death
Yes, I'm being plagued with it: the infamous Blue Screen Of Death (otherwise known as BSOD in various IT Torture forums). For me, it is a random event that lies in wait; watching to see when I'm doing something immensely critical, urgent or unrecoverable - and PUFF! My PC is, without warning, restarted with the unhelpful advice of "There has been a serious system error". Thanks - I would never have guessed! The Event log said nothing helpful but pointed me in the direction of the IT-Guru-Supreme: Microsoft.
It's quite alright, apparently, this error. Easily fixed. Microsoft assures me that, if I replace my memory modules, swap the PSU, or maybe my twin CPUs, or better still, replace my motherboard, and replace each of the hard disks (oh, and to be sure, get new DVD and burner drives too, and maybe replace the IDE cables for every drive) it might be alright.
MIGHT! If I rip out the entire innards of my (relatively new) PC, it MIGHT be alright - or not.
And then they have the audacity to ask if I found their answer helpful. NO, MICROSOFT - I DID NOT FIND THE ANSWER HELPFUL!!!
Needless to say, in my continual rebuilds and tantrums, The Sims has been largely absent. But, today, I have uploaded a new lot in the ridiculously vain hope that my PC will miraculously mend itself.