Thank you, Maxis!!!!
Maxis have listened, and have given us lot builders a patch!!!
Those of you who put up with my persistent whining have probably read my lamenting about the change Maxis made to lot packaging (lots would no longer pick up recolours of Maxis objects - like the invisible driveway). Maxis was attempting to curb lot-bloat at The Exchange, because many Sims players who use the 'upload to The Exchange' option were blissfully unaware of their entire downloads folder of recolours being bundled up with it. This then meant that our packaged lots we upload here and at other sites also dropped all the recolours, meaning we either had to do away with our recolours, or do away with playing Pets and Seasons.
When we raised the concern, Maxis said they were listening and would see if there was anything they could do. And they HAVE done! A shiny new patch for Seasons is out now. First and foremost, it gives us our lot packages with custom recolours once again(!!!), but it also fixes the persistent crying babies and the music career award rock hammer's audio problem too.
Find the patch here: