Maxis heard us!
Maxis is listening! I can't express just how relieved I am at THAT - and thankful!
I suspect Maxis didn't realise the magnitude of impact it would have to block recolours in lot packages. In reality, people are already feeling the effects, there are people who have been backing up their lots in packages only to find on installing that their content is missing, people who are trying to upload lots with content to sites but can't, people who have simply given up lot building...
Yes, 'The Exchange' has spiralled out of control with so many people not knowing what they're doing when they upload their lots - due in part to that handy 'package lot to The Exchange' button in the game itself (uploaders need never visit any website, nor check the content of their lots first, but can still share their work and, unwittingly, their entire downloads folder of recolours). With straining servers, Maxis wanted to put an end to it. I'm not sure they realised how they were also putting an end to the hobby of a much wider audience than those who frequent 'The Exchange'...
But I've just heard from Maxis. They are indeed treating this very seriously, right from the top (yes, all managers have been alerted too). They say the community is VERY important to them, that they're not sure yet what the solution will be, but rest assured they ARE now looking at it.
I call that a result in itself. It's not the END result, but so far so good. My fingers are very crossed! My thanks go to everyone who chipped in either here or at The Exchange. Together, we've been heard.