The Bang-On-A-Can Luxury Bathroom
Time to release a beautiful new bathroom set. I won't waste time describing beautiful Victorian fittings because you already know by now that I'm incapable of nice bathrooms, so without further delay, here it is - lovingly crafted to be the pride of anyone's palace...

I've made each mesh free-standing (no nuisance walls required), which means you can dump a can right in the middle of someone's posh yard - no cheats required. The piping in the set is the shower (it's supposed to be a burst pipe before you start asking your rude and pointed questions again)...

Everything's fully animated. Well, at least TRY to look impressed about that. I know it's taken me something like a year longer than everyone else to attempt it, but I shall nevertheless force you to admire the animated toilet seat...

Pretty set, isn't it? Goes nice with my window boxes!