Power to you
You're wondering why, aren't you?
You've seen those wall power sockets and are wondering how on earth you're supposed to be able to add these to your Pleasantville pictoresque homes.
Admit it. You wanted pretty little white switches didn't you? Delicate little white switches for delicate little fingers to press.
Well, that serves you right for having nice homes in your neighbourhoods, then! Don't come crying to me about how nasty all my best decorative objects appear to be when I've already given you a whole heap of horrible homes to play with instead. You are VERY lucky that I'm too stupid to be able to create Sims and clothing - otherwise, there would be a revolution there too! No more of this frilly, crisp and clean nonsense, I can tell you.
Just stop fighting the urge and get your hands (and neighbourhoods) dirty! I didn't get where I am today by making NICE things! Some people might now be asking just exactly where I HAVE 'got' in that snorty sort of way, but anyone who reads me regularly (I'll send apology notes out later) will already know what I think of that TINY MINORITY collectively known as 'some people'!
There - that's off my chest now. Off to my latest creation...
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