Redundantly Stupid Statements
RSS feeds - that's what I'm going to carp on about today (almost a year on from when they were launched at TSR). Why today? Well, because I'm bone idle and didn't want to explain about them before, but Windkeeper has saved me that trouble by launching a terrific explanation in our forums on how they're used: Using RSS feeds...
Some might say that the REAL reason I never bothered explaining was because I simply didn't know myself what it was all about. But those 'SOME' people can just shut up!
So, what does RSS stand for? I dunno. Join everyone else on that. It's believed to be 'Really Simple Syndication'. Yes, it would have made more sense for them to be called something far more obtuse and complicated like, er, 'news feed' or something, but there we all are.
Anyway, RSS pages are basically web pages designed to be read by computers rather than people (or more precisely, little applications called feed readers). If you install a feed reader, this reader will check the net for updates on all your subscribed 'feeds' without you ever having to visit the site (though of COURSE you will want to come to THIS site, won't you?!) and they protect your privacy because you no longer have to give any email address in order to subscribe to any web service of interest. Windkeeper's post and the links she provides give far better explanations than I have, though.
Best of all, it means you can receive MY drivel whenever I can be bothered to write it. How about that?! All together now: Say "Ooh! Lovely!" With sincerity!!!