Nobody told ME!
I spent AGES making a new arch. An expandable arch with end pieces and a top piece so it could be as little as two squares wide, or as wide as the widest lot base! It was a very cool idea from one of our TSR members and I couldn't wait to try...
Don't get excited. It didn't work because the ambient lighting in the game lights each piece differently and so, indoors as in the above piccie, it looks (quite frankly) rubbish! Just about what you'd expect from the Cyclonesue stable of creations really. Therefore, I don't intend to submit it.
But this ISN'T the point of this story. No, I wanted to tell you about how long it took me to make ALL THREE pieces (note the word THREE). You see: there were TWO end pieces: a left and a right piece. Took me ages to make the last one (the right piece) in particular because it would have looked odd it it was not identical to the left. But I did it - with diagonal versions too!
Only, when playing with the arch in the game, I noticed how interesting it was that, when laying a left piece, it rotated on the wall to face either left or right. So did the right hand piece, come to that. They could both be left-facing, or both be right-facing, OR (as intended) one of each. My partner was also curious to know why I'd made TWO end pieces instead of only one which could be placed either end of the arch.
Yes, instead of labouring intensely over the right-hand piece to ensure it matched the left hand piece perfectly, ANYONE here could have told me that there was NO NEED for a right-hand piece at all, because the left-hand piece could be BOTH ends!
You all knew that, didn't you! Oh yes you did, and that's why you're all pointing and laughing!! You've ALL used doors in the game and rotated them to face left or right, so of course you knew.
(Come to think of it, so did I)
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