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And now, INVISIBLE items!

Thanks to Pinecat (yes, I must blame anyone but myself, and this time it's dear Pinecat; Pinecat who thought up this idea and who must take the credit for its brilliance), I have now made......[cue drum roll]...


Pinecat must be applauded for her brilliance! Yes, Pinecat is brilliant anyway, but I'm talking about her IDEA being particularly brilliant. If you are an advanced lot builder, you already know this - you won't even have to think about why. For everyone else, including lot builders who haven't yet ventured the integral garage or underneath parking conundrum, a potted explanation...

What if you wanted to build parking underneath your lot (as in my Gunther House apartment block), or an integral, open-fronted car-port without having to use a garage door? Try it. Lay a driveway and extension, then draw the two side walls and the rear wall only, but leave the front open. Now try adding floor tiles on top. It can't be done, can it? Sure, you can trick the game by placing temporary columns in the centre of the garage upon which to add the tiles, but as soon as you remove the underneath columns, the floor tiles on top become unusable - unless you add a front wall to your garage, which means using one of those garage doors.....aargh!

If you're a dab hand with the CFE cheat, you can work around this problem by inserting a hidden in-between floor (that's how I built Gunther House). For this lot, the perceived higher level of the ground floor space looks fine, but it would look more obvious (and odd) in a smaller house. Therefore, if you want integral parking, you'd do better making it into a full garage and (sigh) adding one of those garage doors... Or darn it, just keep the parking separate.

But now you can thank Pinecat who asked if it was possible to have a garage door that had NO door. So, an open-fronted garage at last! It's not possible to have it entirely frameless, so I've bundled in five basic recolours and for all you recolourers out there, it's simple as anything to make more colour options. But I think it looks cool and allows us to make a garage with NO door that we can now build ABOVE.

For those of you already bored silly with my creations, you'll know this isn't my FIRST invisible item. I made an INVISIBLE DRIVEWAY some time back after tiring of the choice of grey concrete or red brick for my medieval cart parking! It means we can use floor tiles or terrain paints (as in my piccie above) to make our own driveway designs. So, with the driveway AND doorless door, I bring you: Cyclonesue's invisible parking solutions!

The Cyclonesue Mandatory Small-print
Of course, you can't expect anything I make to be perfect (there are other Featured Artists here recruited for perfection; I'm just here for entertainment value). And the little imperfection with the doorless garage is that it STILL makes the clanking door sound. I couldn't see how to remove that though. There were no separate audio references from what I could see.

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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