Cyclonesue's Blog
Victorian Bathroom
I thought I'd reverse my so-far excellent trend of horrible submissions by regressing into something nice for a change...The Victorian Bathroom
A Working Chamber Pot!
Broken Tree Arches
For any of you who have been cursing an unidentified download that seems to have spoilt one of the Maxis arches, well, um, er (polite cough) it might have been connected with me - possibly, maybe...Or most likely!!!
Remember that Treehouse set from oh-so-very-long-ago? Well, it transpires that the straight and diagonal archways have been overwriting the wallmask (cutout hole in the wall) for one of the Maxis arches all this time. Only now, thanks to MsBarrows, has it come to light.
Treehouse Set
I have set the items free (this will activate tomorrow) for four weeks so that if you no longer have a TSR subscription, you can still download the fixed archways.
I shall create a special in-box for the usual embittered attacks and violent replies.
Fixed archways:
Straight Treehouse Archway
Diagonal Treehouse Archway
Fellow weather-haters look no further!
With one half of the world freezing cold, and the other boiling hot, I thought it a good time to offer Climate Solutions set for January's free set!Climate Solutions
A happy new year to everyone!
Newbies and freebies!
I know - I've been a bit quiet lately. But what a nice relief for you!Anyway, I've made some decorative-only Highland Crofter Chimneys that are found gracing tiny rural cottages and crofters (I may have just made that up, so don't go ahead believing me!), and a small set of lots to match. All I need now is someone from Scotland to point a finger and say: "but crofters look NOTHING like that!"
From tomorrow, the Brick Plinths set will be free for a month. Yes, I KNOW they're not actually 'plinths' (we've had THAT particular conversation before)...
And my Invisible Driveway is now permanently free - so you can use this in lots without your lot becoming subscriber-only as a result!
And a free lot...
This time, a lot from the Industrial Age series - the first one that I made before I even knew there was ever going to be an entire series!Corporation Street
Support (or the appearance of...)
Whenever I was building castles, haunted houses and anything else where upper floors might overhang lower floors, one thing I always wanted to have around was a simple set of decorative floor supports - but I only ever thought of this whenever I was in the middle of building a lot - and then would promptly forget again!Well, I've finally remembered! These really are just decorative wall items, but they finish off the appearance of overhanging floors, towers and the like. Three simple designs (plus a couple of extra decorative bits to complete the look)...
This set will be released Thursday 27 September!
Something a little more in keeping with tradition...
MY tradition, that is!I feel as though the darker side of the Sims world has been neglected in my corner for some months and so I've made a new set for anyone wanting to create any kind of industrial, sci-fi or otherwise unhomely lots...
A set totally in keeping with my tradition, you see! However, what is NOT part of my tradition is that I have also uploaded it and the files are already awaiting publication! Expect the set next Thursday.
Eon's Odyssey free!
Something for builders of country dwellings, stately mansions and medieval palaces?Not quite, but I hope you'll like it anyway.
This set of decorative roof pieces is free from 10 September for four weeks! Meanwhile, fans of low-down-and-dirty industrial stay tuned for my next set (sorry that there has been too long a run of 'nice' things in this tiny corner of the TSR world). More on that soon! Ooh, what a tease!
Fireplaces out on 13th September...
Of COURSE you've been waiting! In fact, WOE BETIDE anyone who hasn't been waiting!!! Those fireplaces have now been lifted from the rotten pile of absolute crud bulging the seams of my hard drives, and is now due for release next Thursday (13th September).A few notes on what to expect (otherwise known as 'lame excuses')...
(1) Where they will be found: Under Appliances/Miscellaneous (for fireplaces to appear in the build catalog, they would need specialist script installation, which is a total bore when you just wanna play).
(2) Larger fireplaces: Unfortunately, adding grid tiles to fireplaces doesn't seem to work. Any fire larger than 2 x 1 is still treated by Sims as 2 x 1 tiles, meaning they can clip through the brickwork if the fire is larger than 2 x 1. The solution is simple: just hide a small object inside each end of the fireplace or otherwise obstruct the floor tiles from irritating Sims who just love to stand in brickwork! You can also use Dr Pixel's wonderful DO NOT ENTER cones specifically designed for this purpose.
(3) The Tavern fireplace needs that window! I've also included a window in the set. This is for the double-fronted Tavern fireplace (to create a hole for the fire).
(4) Matching wallpapers have been included! Two of them to be exact - totally seamless in all directions.
(5) A bit of cheating! The chimney pieces would ideally like to sit on floor tiles. As you can see in my piccies below, I've used the 'moveobjects' cheat to place the pieces on each floor level. You might also need to use this cheat to place any chimny piece in the pitched roof space.