Cyclonesue's Blog
Starting Fires...
How about a traditional English Inglenook fireplace? I'm making two versions: the correct 2-storey version (the upper chimney breast will, of course, pass through upper floor tiles - it's meant to (that's how they are), and a 1-storey version (full room height but won't pass through to the upper floor). Because they don't use the Maxis chimney, no special installation is required.

Broken Stairs
No, this isn't a new Urban Renewal creation, but a fault!I uploaded the incorrect mesh for the Spiral Stairs. The mesh I did upload was a failed experiment with slots that I meant to bin, but somehow got the meshes muddled. I can give you hoardes of excuses (manic life, two jobs, chaos reigns, far too intelligent for my own good, etc etc) but you can just tick the 'incompetent' box again if you like.
Anyway, I've uploaded the stairs again. You only need to download the mesh (recolours remain unchanged)...
Spiral Stairs (fixed)
New Freebies
This month: a lot and a matching set needed by the lot...
Boston's Garage

Gas Pumps (Floor Lamps) Set 1
You don't need to download the entire gas pump set unless you wish to, but you will need the green (Thoni) pump if you're downloading the Boston Garage lot.
Spiral Stairs
Yes, I'm making some, with a huge thanks to Spaik who showed me how to butcher stairs completely, and to Echo who has made a super tutorial on jiggling those green placement boxes about. Here are a couple of piccies of designs - with and without rails. They only occupy two tiles on each floor, but unfortunately, NO ANIMATIONS! Your Sims will just teleport up and down them. If anyone thinks they can animate Sims and would like to

Just wanted to say...
... thanks to all of you who leave comments in my blog. I DO read them all and you give me a lot of laughs. Thank you!I suppose me writing this is cue for a whole series of rude and vile comments now. Well, I expect I shall giggle heartily at those too (in that 'blind fury' sort of way).
I am totally delighted at how people are assuming I'm 30!Giggling about that - and holding a lit match to the corner of my birth certificate...
And now, senility!
Yes, senile.Well, that's what you'll no doubt think. Like all 'cyclonesue stupid tales' this one is so very true - I only wish it wasn't!
Today, I
Having thanked my mother for her card, she then asked me: "So, what are you doing tomorrow? Anything special?"
Tomorrow? Odd thing to ask. Here I am performing my it's-my-birthday duty call with my mother, and she asks me if I'm doing anything tomorrow! Answer: "Um - no. Going to get a puppy fitted with a
"Well, shall I call you tomorrow?" she then asked.
Understand here that me and my mother converse about once a month - if that, so why did she want to call tomorrow? We are talking TODAY but she wants to call tomorrow too for some inexplicable reason. "Well, if you'd LIKE to call me, then sure - it's always nice to chat," I bumbled awkwardly, "but you've had the birthday-call and all that now - no need to feel obliged to call tomorrow too..."
"But it's not your birthday today," said my mother.
That did it. My mother has hit THAT age, obviously. Of COURSE it's my birthday (with a zero in it). How could she not know this?! I know she was actually THERE on the day I was born, so I reckoned she must be going a bit senile or something and had got her dates muddled.
"My birthday IS today," I said, keeping my voice calm lest my mother needed to placed in a care home or something; no point in stressing her if I was about to break this solemn news to her. "27th June - my birthday! And now I'm about to get my birthday-meal!"
At this point, my not-at-all-senile mother burst out laughing!
I waited for something like ten minutes before she'd apparently picked herself up off the ground and dusted herself off. But I could tell she hadn't done laughing yet. "Today is the 26th!!!" she blurted before collapsing into more hoots of laughter. "Your birthday is tomorrow - check your calendar!!!"
And so, there you have it. My birthday is NOT today. I am spared the zero for another day. Meanwhile, my partner (who, I hasten to add, also failed to notice I'd named the wrong day) has spent much of the evening laughing (at my expense), no doubt looking up care homes for senile partners who don't even know when their birthday is!
NOT old!
I have a birthday imminently.It has a zero in it. I am NOT pleased about that!
And yes, just ONE zero in it, thank you!
Missing! Entire Gothic Set!
I know - vanished in a puff of smoke! Gothic Windows all gone!Due to a server problem, we had to withdraw it. I've now fixed the problem and the set will be back up again by 7am GMT tomorrow (26th June).
My apologies in the meantime!
Missing Door? Get it here!
My Gothic Windows set has been released, but for some reason, if you download the set, the door mesh is being dropped. Sure, you get the diagonal, the recolours and both arch meshes, but none of these will work without the missing door.
Missing door!
I HAVE reported it, but in the meantime, you'll need to download the door manually from this link:
For once, this is not a goof of my making, so I'm feeling hugely superior about it!