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Cyclonesue's Blog

It's FREE!

Yay!!! At last, we can release a free set each per month, and to celebrate this I've chosen one of my personal favourites for February...

Oil Drums

Yes, it's me who gets to choose which set. Sad, isn't it? But there we all are. Enjoy!

Eon's Odyssey is more than a promise!

Finally (FINALLY!) I uploaded the Bang-On-A-Can set! I apologise to everyone waiting so very patiently for this set, but the first set is out this week (9th February) with a couple of recolour sets following later (also uploaded). Real Life took a happy little dent from my free time (see how I'm launching for the sympathy vote?) and so there was a bit of a delay.

But.... have I got something for you!!! (if you like Sci Fi or building, that is)...

Eon's Odyssey

A set of decorative icons to place on buildings, or the landscape to make Sims gasp in total awe and say "Erm.... What's that?" Naturally, I hope YOU show more enthusiasm than your Sims, otherwise I will revert back to my usual genre of disgusting toilets.

And there's more! Contrary to my normal behaviour of "tell you all about it but don't upload it for ages", this one IS uploaded already and will be hitting the 'available' pages some time around 20 February!

PS: notice how I've spelt 'Odyssey' correctly? Thought I'd mention it.

Missing anything? A downpipe, for example?

Okay, so who's stupid? Before you all rush forth and volunteer that accolade for yourselves, I will admit: it is I. I am stupid.

At this point, I SHOULD mention that anyone who states "I know" risks a good slapping.

MDKF poked me with a piece of my own guttering today, pointing out that there were missing pieces. Indeed, there were. This could be down to the fact that I was being selfish and didn't wish to give you the entire set, but in fact it was mere stupidity.

So, for those of you who really WOULD like the entire set, here are the links to the missing pieces...
Flat Roof Downpipe for Upper Floors
Multi-storey Extension Downpipe

And if you're sitting there wondering: "WHAT guttering set?", then get thee to THIS page and download!

And another thing: she IGNORES us!!!

I know, and I'm sorry!

I have a lot of messages and stuff that I have yet to reply to. I haven't been here this last couple of days due to our power lines being brought down in the storms that have hit the UK and other parts of Europe. I'm not sure how long we'll have power for (it has cut out once already since its recent return, and we have more storms predicted over the weekend) so please bear with me. I will catch up by next week.

And if anyone wants to put me out of blackout-hell by telling me how I can connect my PC and kettle to a car battery, then you will be friend-for-life!!!

The Bang-On-A-Can Luxury Bathroom

Time to release a beautiful new bathroom set. I won't waste time describing beautiful Victorian fittings because you already know by now that I'm incapable of nice bathrooms, so without further delay, here it is - lovingly crafted to be the pride of anyone's palace...

I've made each mesh free-standing (no nuisance walls required), which means you can dump a can right in the middle of someone's posh yard - no cheats required. The piping in the set is the shower (it's supposed to be a burst pipe before you start asking your rude and pointed questions again)...

Everything's fully animated. Well, at least TRY to look impressed about that. I know it's taken me something like a year longer than everyone else to attempt it, but I shall nevertheless force you to admire the animated toilet seat...

Pretty set, isn't it? Goes nice with my window boxes!

Clay Walls - with new ones!

Thanks for the huge interest in the Mediterranean Clay Walls!

I'd wanted a set of stucco that didn't have an obvious repeating pattern in the supposed-to-be-random blotches, and I'd overused my one colour of 'yellow', so I engaged in battle with Homecrafter. I finished the set and figured I'd upload them in case anyone else wanted properly-seamless textured stucco too. And that was that.

Returning today, I see that some of the papers are nearing 300 downloads in less than a day! That's incredible - thank you for your interest in these. I'm glad I uploaded them now!

I've added 6 new colours to the set to complete the range of shades (there should now be a colour to suit most uses). The new colours are:

Mulberry Wine
Sweet Rose
Fresh Herb
Garden Mint

If the whole idea of downloading individual papers bores you (it does me!), you can also safely redownload the entire set. The papers don't need installing. Just drop them straight into your downloads folder where they'll simply replace the old ones. That way, you'll also be sure to have the fixed brown colour I mentioned in my 'Excuses' thread in the forums.

Click here to view a larger image
Download Set

No doubt, some of you are laughing your heads off at my yuck-worthy sickly-sweet names. Well, laugh, why don't you! I COULD have called the mustard paper 'Bile' instead, or the brown one "Dung", but no-one would like that very much, would they? So, just put up with the names and secretly make up your own...

...though I'd love to know what they would be!

Wishing everyone a hugely happy new year!

And finally...

Yes, this run of drain and building things HAS to come to an end, so, thanks to Andrea, I present thee with guttering. I don't know WHY I make these flambouyant announcements. I know very well by now what you're thinking! Anyways, this guttering is in three parts: a set for flat roofs, a set for pitched roofs (angled outwards and a lower height), and for the lazy so-and-sos like me, there are also a couple of downpipes that don't need any guttering whatsoever (the leftmost pipe). All of them share four colours (nearly-black, painted white, plastic aqua and weathered metal)...
So, that's guttering done. I think I promised this back last August, but failed miserably every time I tried it. Well, YOU try making a piece of downpipe and horizontal gutter sit nicely, with a proper, smooth hole in the gutter for the piping! Or am I just being my usual incompetent self again? Please - NO need to answer that. You'll only make me furious again.

Crawling in the gutter

Yes, this is where it's at: the gutter. My next set to follow the rooftop decor will be drains. Yes, DRAINS! I know full well that you're sitting there looking singularly unimpressed (especially those of you who really ARE hoping for pretty print table cloths) but drains is what you're being given. And there we all are. Frankly, I think it is shameful that we still have urban neighbourhoods without them.
All these drains can share tiles with other objects, and Sims can walk over them. The wall-mounted drain pipe is included and I'll also throw in the dripping tap pictured (it's already available at TSR in another, rather twee, garden set).

Fiddler on the roof

Nope! Sorry - can't make ANY funny quip about that title. Still, anyone who CAN may submit their answers to the usual place. You might have been wondering what happened to the previously-mentioned rooftop items (if you weren't, at least PRETEND you were wondering!). Anyway, it was a good two weeks ago when I showed some finished piccies. Lest you start thinking I make a habit of cutting out magazine pictures and saying: "look! I've made THESE!" in my blog, I figured I'd best show some evidence that I really HAVE been working further on this set...
This is the finished set. I tried to add in as many of the ideas as I could from those you suggested (thank you - they were great!) in response to my original blog entry. Some things I wasn't able to do, but I'm pleased to say that those two dome vents at the front of the picture have animated fans, there's an improved TV aeriel and both rooftop and wall-mounted satellite dishes - as well as a few flues and such. Some of you might have it, but for those who don't, I'll also include the CCTV camera with really-exciting-flashing-red-light (at least TRY to be excited)! Oh, and you'll notice that the ill-suited drain covers have gone. That's because they have a better home now! More on that next.

Behind bars...

Whilst one half of the globe gorges itself on turkey and booze to the point of unnatural explosion, whilst the other half wonders what all the fuss is about, I've been busy fixing again.

My wrought iron barred windows and doors were suffering a bad case of bloat too, and so they underwent a heavy trimming operation. The window was weighing in at an incredible 1.3Mb in size! (that's beginners for you) and so I put it through bootcamp for a much leaner 300Kb. The doors received the same treatment and, for those of you who haven't visited that set in a long while, you'll also see that there are diagonal versions up there too (there never used to be - THAT'S beginners for you, too)!

Latest Headlines

It's FREE! Eon's Odyssey is more than a... Missing anything? A downpipe,... And another thing: she IGNORES... The Bang-On-A-Can Luxury Bathroom Clay Walls - with new ones! And finally... Crawling in the gutter Fiddler on the roof Behind bars...
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