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Cyclonesue's Blog

Happy Holidays - or even happier Unholiday!

So, it's here. The season of madness.

If you're doing Christmas, have a wonderful time! But keep all the wrappings and old beer cans - they might come in useful for a new urban project.

And if you're not doing Christmas? Didn't you do well getting out of all the horrible shopping, the cooking, the RELATIVES!!!!!!! Feel rightfully smug about it.

Thanks to everyone for managing to AT LEAST be politely nice about my creations, thanks moreover for the laughs and the friendship. Have a wonderful holiday!

Right, onwards and upwards with that rooftop set I've been promising!

Sue :D

Smogstown Rooftops

LyssaKi reminded me what I SHOULD be getting on with. And here was me contemplating those flowery table cloths... (and if you wonder what I'm talking about, I'm going to sue you for not reading every fascinating word in my blog). Anyway LyssaKi thought our roofs were just TOO tidy... But not anymore!!!
I'm not entirely sure where those flat drain covers will go. I was going to make some street level bits and, if I do, then they'd fit better in that sort of set. But if I don't make street-level bits? Well, that would leave the drains in limbo-land. So for now, they're included in the above picture too.

Rusty Thanks

So, why hasn't anyone thanked me for my rusty old pipes and such?

WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! If you're not careful, I shall start making pretty flowered table cloths instead. THEN you'll be sorry!

(won't you?!)

Of course, I would thank me. But no matter how many times I sit here clicking 'thank the artist', it keeps retorting with "you cannot thank yourself!"

Hmph! Still, not giving up yet. Onwards with my clicking endeavours!

Naturally, all this is said in good humour and I'm not really expecting you to give a weary sigh and then go click 'thank the artist' on all my creations. No, I'm really not. Really! But, if you want to, well....... (heh)

Some people have NO sense of humour!

They don't, do they? Some people just don't have a sense of humour, can't take a joke, aren't amused by, well, a little harmless retelling of a tale. Especially ex birdwatchers, it seems....

You remember my latest giggleworthy tale: the Bearded Crow? Well, I found THIS comment on it today...

On Dec 13, 2006 Cyclonesue Partner wrote:
I have only just seen this! This ex-birdwatcher will be having words with you when you get home from work. Just hope that I don't make further mistakes ..... regarding the amount of chillis accidentally falling in your evening meal.

Like I say: NO sense of humour. I might have to start pretending that I enjoy chilli peppers added to my food. I'm NOT being threatened by cross people with no sense of humour!

Perhaps the best compliment I could ever receive!

In a forum discussing the new rating system, with everyone benevolently drawing knives against each other (usual happy chit-chat that all forums enjoy), Robinrains posted about my work.

She said:

"Honestly, you should see me some days when I'm building a lot or something and going through my folders to decide what items to use. I'll see something and say, "What the heck is that? Oh yeah, something I downloaded from cyclonesue....I wonder what I'm supposed to do with it?"

I have reached the zenith of my creativity. THIS is what it's all about. Tonight, I feel ecstatic.

But there is no need for anyone to be rude about it! Rude comments will only lead to Bad Ends for you.

Car Wreck Updated!

Woot! I'm on a roll!

Next up is the wrecked car. Those of you who already have this will know that it only fitted on a 2 x 2 grid, meaning that Sims could walk through the ends...

NOT ANY MORE! The placer grid for the car is now the correct 3 x 5 in size and Sims won't now be able to walk through the car. And, as a bonus, I've also reduced the file to a much leaner size.

How about that?!

Wrecked Car

NOTE: this new version will simply replace the old version in your downloads folder. HOWEVER, if you have any lots in your game with the old version of the car, they won't update automatically. Therefore, you'll need to go into the lot and replace it in order to put an end to Sims walking through the car.

Gas Pump Lamps Updated!

A year is a LONG time in the Sims creation world. Ask any creator what they were making a year ago, and they'll most likely try changing the subject, or laughing off 'those old things' that were their very best work back then. Indeed, my meshing skills have improved too in that year (somewhat - negligibly) and I'm revisiting some of my older work to improve that which looks now, quite frankly, disastrous. First up are my 'gas pump' floor lamps. They are now newly meshed and have been properly smoothed. This means they no longer look like Lego pieces.
If you downloaded the originals, these will simply replace those already in your downloads folder. And if you didn't? Best get them right now before I notice! Here are the links to each set:-
Click here to view a larger image UPDATED! Gasoline Pumps 1

Click here to view a larger image UPDATED! Gasoline Pumps 2

Changing Avatars

Aren't some people's avatars just great? I love hilarious avatars, and some of my personal favourites include Iramsay, sunpowder65 (check out Sunpowder's pictures - hysterical!) and MonkeyOfDoom. I love their avatars in particular.

However, here's a tip:

Remember that many people can suddenly change their avatars, and in the forums, that the changed piccie sweeps through all their postings, past and present. Therefore, think twice about leaving your hilarious little quips like "That's the funniest ape face I've ever seen!" or "ha ha HAAA - your avatar looks just like my pet frog!" because, one day, you can guarantee that the simian or amphibian-like avatar they DID have will be replaced by a lovely and elegant photo of... themselves!

Except your funny quip does not change with it. Your funny quip remains for ALL to read forever more and you can't change it!

And how rude and vile you suddenly seem to be!

Never mind. I can be rude and vile as well, so you'll be in good company.

More Tales from Wonderful Humankind

In response to my Bearded Crow story (two entries back), eshuff told me a wonderful story that fits very nicely with my general disregard for using blogs properly, and so I asked her if I may retell it. She said 'yes', which means she's a very nice person and also means I get to waste even more of my 'update you with my work' blog space!

"My friend drove down her long road from the mountain, and everyone was waving at her, and she thought they were just such friendly mountain people. It was a long road, a couple of miles, very winding, and everyone just keep waving at her, and she rolled down the window and waved back. What friendly people, they wave to you at zero dark hundred in the morning. At the stop sign before the big intersection with the highway, she finally decided it might be a good thing to stop and check out the car. Just in case. She looked up and saw that her cat was on top of the car, clinging frantically to the luggage rack. True story."

By the way, I was going to call this entry: "New Tried And Tested Cat-Freezing Method", but not only would that have given away the punchline, it would also have had the millions of cat lovers among you all clicking the "I now HATE this artist" button (seen that button yet? No? GOOD!)

By the way again! I've warned my Whippet-Lurcher that I might feel the need to procure a luggage rack and drive down mountains in the near future if he doesn't behave! (and he never does)

Vehicular Graveyard

Dead cars - simply because they don't work. Dead as a doornail (British saying - I can't think why anyone would ever imagine a doornail to be anything BUT dead - and WHY a doornail???).
So, why these cars? How rude of you to ask! Well, far be it for me to decline ANOTHER opportunity to fill the world with MY words, so here I go with justifications (though I don't HAVE to do this, you know!)... (1) Anyone without Nightlife has no vehicles whatsoever. (2) People WITH Nightlife might like some of the non-available vehicles as decor. (3) We need some decorative vehicles that Sims cannot walk through. (4) We need some decorative vehicles that aren't game hacks . (5) We need this collection at TSR so you can upload them in lots at TSR too! (6) Malessacooper wants them - and so she shall have them. Now, these AREN'T driveable. In fact, the first person who asks me if I can make driveable versions will face THIS as their fate!

Latest Headlines

Happy Holidays - or even happier... Smogstown Rooftops Rusty Thanks Some people have NO sense of... Perhaps the best compliment I... Car Wreck Updated! Gas Pump Lamps Updated! Changing Avatars More Tales from Wonderful Humankind Vehicular Graveyard
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