Cyclonesue's Blog
So, what is Camp Stupid bringing to you next?Well, the (tasteless as usual) title should give you a clue. Vents and shafts! I spent a delightful few hours making grill windows and matching shafts, and then parked myself in one of the shafts to watch my Sims from there. It was strangely satisfying.
My partner looked over my shoulder at the completed masterpieces (my phrase, but I'm sure that if you know me and my temper, you know you'd best agree) and said: "But what are they for?"
What are they for?!! What are they FOR??!!!!! Actually, I have NO idea and, because I couldn't answer, I parked myself right back in the circular shaft to watch my Sims have a pillow fight.

The grilled windows work with or without shafts, and each shaft piece is simply a decorative item that will allow you to make shafts of any length and direction. I've been having great fun connecting different buildings (for no purpose whatsoever).
I have no idea when they'll be out. Well, it'll be October, but I haven't compiled my curved walls and series of Airlock extendable windows into sets yet. I need a TSR Upload Secretary. Should I advertise for one here? The advert would read something like: "Must be good at taking in-game pictures that hide all the glaring faults and to invent amazing descriptions that will cajole people into downloading despite the relative uselessness of each item."
Well, have you seen it yet?There's a fabulous new tab-button plonked in my mini-site (next to the Downloads tab) called CONTENT. Click on it and you'll find links to all my tutorials like the I-have-never-created-anything-before guide to recolouring modular stairs (yes, you really CAN make your own modular stairs - no experience necessary) and the hugely popular tutorial on creating skylight windows in roofs.
You wanna see it without bothering to click the tab? Well, click here then.
How about a date whilst I'm waiting?
I'm still (STILL!) waiting for that mug! HOURS have passed by and no mug!So, whilst boredly waiting, I thought I'd give you some dates for your diary (that is: if, like me, you have one of those empty diaries with nothing to add to it)...
Tuesday | 12/09/2006 | Pipe Columns |
Friday | 15/09/2006 | Pipe Décor |
Tuesday | 19/09/2006 | Container Shipping Yard |
Thursday | 21/09/2006 | Modular Tables |
Monday | 25/09/2006 | Moseley Mills (White) |
Tuesday | 26/09/2006 | Airlock Doors |
Friday | 29/09/2006 | Airlock Colours |
Tuesday | 03/10/2006 | Cement Plinths (requires the Industrial Age plinth set) |
Friday | 06/10/2006 | Airlock Standard Windows |
Thursday | 12/10/2006 | Girders & Joists |
Tuesday | 17/10/2006 | Phoebe's House |
Snap of fingers
I want a TSR mug. Someone see to it please. Immediately.And more reinforcements...
I couldn't make a nice girders and joists set for you without providing a bit of scaffolding! All the pieces featured here (crossbars, netting, etc) can all share the same tiles without needing any cheat codes. The only bar to prevent Sims walking through is the middle horizontal pole. And, just like the girders, the vertical scaffold pole is a column and can be built upon!

Offering a little support...
Oh, these titles!If you came here hoping that I'd be solving all your woes, then naturally, you'd be wrong - me being a habitual enjoyer of woes. No, I'm afraid it's just me dallying with words again, for I bring you...
Oh, DON'T look at me like that. Look: those vertical girders are columns so you can build on them - isn't that neat?! The horizontal joists are simply decorative pieces.

If you REALLY have no idea why you might want girders, just think of it this way: you will NEVER have to finish a lot again. If you share your lots, you can just build half of it, slap in some girders and badge it as 'under construction' before uploading it! I reckon you could output a hundred lots a day like this.
Finally, I thought I'd add these to the up-and-coming 'Posh' theme - what do YOU think?!
Simple is beautiful...
No, I'm NOT talking about me, this time. Not the 'simple' bit anyway.I'm talking about my latest invention, and it's so stupidly simple that I don't know why I didn't think of it earler...

This table mesh can be used with or without visible legs. The sides join up seamlessly, meaning you can have dining tables or desks as small or as large as you want. You can even mix and match the colours for decorative effects. I'm really pleased with it.
My apologies go to those of you who have come to expect nothing but disgusting or industrial things; occasionally, we must humour those who like 'nice' things too.
Village Idiot
That's me, if you didn't already know.The cause of the fault in my TSR account (me not being able to submit anything new) was me. There. You can all start pointing and laughing now.
Now that I have caused excessive hours and extreme headaches for TSR's finest coders, I will now, contritely, start uploading some of those completed creations mentioned in my last post.
Unable to bring it on!
You might have noticed that my usually-full calendar is depleting rather alarmingly.Unfortunately, my TSR account is being plagued with all sorts of errors when I try to submit anything. So, while I wait in hope of this being fixed, I'll give you an update on some of the things you can expect from me over the next few weeks...
Waiting in the wings for upload right now, I have...
o Airlock window set (standard windows)
o Airlock extendable (never-ending) windows (3 sets)
o Curved walls and tower tops (plus recolours)
o Cement recolours of my brick plinths
o A Greek-themed small lot
o Modular extendable table and recolours (this one's neat!)
o An invisible window
Also under way (read 'started but unfinished' projects)...
o Construction girders
o Decorative guttering
o Industrial brick archways
o Scaffolding
Oil Drum Table Revised
If you downloaded the oil drum table and found it missing its label decoration, please redownload it (the drum should have TWO recolourable parts - not just the drum colour). Following what appears to be great incompetence on my part (who else's?) it transpired that this particular drum, instead of containing a mesh for the label, contained two copies of the ground shadow. Aren't I clever?!Anyway, it's fixed, so if you downloaded the drum but find it's missing its label, please download it again. Clicking the picture below will take you direct to the download page (which I guess is the very LEAST I can do)...

Oil Drum Table Mesh
You would think that, by now, I knew what I was doing. It is my great shame, for I now know that Maxis people have looked at my mini-site. All these 'Oops! blog entries have no doubt given them something to point and laugh at, and the assurance that they know why THEY are the game designers and I'm not!
If anyone here wishes to make any rude comment, you'd best be warned that I enjoy nothing better than a good excuse to thump rude people!