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Cyclonesue's Blog


Well, something like that anyway.

There's a 'technical hitch' preventing an upload of my latest tutorial Creating Transparent Floor Tiles. It seems like a server disk is full, possibly - and is being investigated.

Hopefully, all will be well shortly.

Thinking for you

If you're like me (and of course, I assume the Whole World IS like me), then you achieved absolutely NOTHING with Meccano. Remember that? Pieces of metal with holes that could be affixed to other, equally perplexing, flat pieces of metal with holes... I vaguely remember reaching the heady heights of having affixed FOUR identically flat pieces of metal together once, but, alas, four loose strips of metal seemed a long way from the absolute feat-of-engineering helicopter model adorning the Meccano set's box lid.

But never fear. I'm uploading new bits of 'Alternative Meccano' for you to play with, and no screws required this time. You can look forward to such goodies as...

Cage walls
Truss flooring

...And anything else I can think of.

Naturally, these will be ideal for making quaint cottages, pretty granny flats, baby's nursery and all sorts of romantic vistas for your Sims. You can always serve tea and cakes on an oil drum labelled 'poison'.

I think of everything for you, don't I.

I wasn't kidding, you know!

Yes, I really was embarking upon an oil rig. Well, you don't see many of those about on 'Sims-Dot-Net', do you? But I did relent and added some parking (off the screen) and a few bedrooms, etc. The finished abode of utmost desire! An ideal way to escape the relatives, at last (I can say this safely knowing that none of my relatives frequent TSR - do they?)

Happy Birthday!

To me.

To celebrate this miracle of the world (me being born, in case you're in any doubt), I have had a refresh. Away with that dusty old industrial stuff on my mini-site page, and in with the futuristic!

Isn't that exciting?! You bet it is!


No, I DIDN'T have anything better to do!

No prizes for guessing the number of bedrooms and car parking spaces either...

Season of the curse!

So, who here is equally miserable?

If your nose is running, eyes swollen and itchy, throat driving you crackers and the happy little pills that are meant to curb all this are sending you to sleep - well, lament with me.

Yes, all hail the hayfever season (in Britain at least). The makers of Kleenex are no doubt rolling around the floor in laughter (and wads of cash).

And I'm looking dangerously insane as I glare at the hapless weed known as Shepherd's Purse (we'll call it Shepherd's Curse for ease of reference from now on) waiting at the end of my garden. Brimming with hateful pollen, armed and dangerous... And it waits.

Of course, this pitiful griping of mine serves the purpose of providing me with Useful Excuses. If the textures of my objects look a bit blurred or not quite seamless - well, that's blurry eyes for you. Can't see a darned thing, you see...

New stuff!

I haven't been absent without a cause.

The Castle Ruins & Ramparts set is now complete and queueing for release in July. It took me ages, largely due to a lack of skill and a good degree of incompetence: two traits that are invaluable if you aspire to being a creator who takes forever to make anything and does so in foul temper! But the set of holes in walls and other lovely bits for old castles and ruins is now, finally, out!

Add to this a huge new building project: an asylum! The Gravesend Asylum is as authentic as I could ever hope to make an asylum. If you want a sneak preview of the inside, click here. For those of you currently enjoying the "Asylum" mini-challenge, I'm also uploading a totally unfurnished version too!

Have fun!

Links and Lots

If you build lots to share with others at TSR AND you use custom content, you might already know that there are certain items of custom content that won't install properly with the lot unless the downloader already owns the meshes.

The TSR lot submission form already has a handy 'required items' feature where you can link to TSR meshes that your lot might need, but how do you know what requires a link in the first place?

I've written a post in our forums to explain! You can find it here.

Picking a few more holes...

So, how are those castle walls coming along?

Well, a couple of new piccies for you. This time, barred windows, arrow slits and a new crenelation design for castle towers (fencing). The stone steps will also be part of the set (though these are already available in my downloads if you want those now).

Great new beds! But not by me...

Yes, for all you Urbanites out there, TSR sees the launch of some fabulous new trashy beds - fabulous because they're made of stacked beer cases and fabulous because I didn't make them (and there's no need for you to look RELIEVED that I didn't make them either!). Anyway, head along to MsBarrows Flat-Broke Bed Set to pick up a copy.

And if you're in need of some trashy bedding to match, naturally you already have the Urban Renewal Make-Do Bedding set. If you dare to be here and DON'T have that bedding, you'd best get it (and quickly) before I notice your 'mistake'...

Click here to view a larger image

Urban Renewal: Make-Do Bedding

Latest Headlines

Poop! Thinking for you I wasn't kidding, you know! Happy Birthday! Rigged! Season of the curse! New stuff! Links and Lots Picking a few more holes... Great new beds! But not by me...
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