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Cyclonesue's Blog

And holes in the roof!

Not quite so destructive as my holes in the wall, mind!

I've figured out a stupidly easy way to create skylights in an ordinary Maxis roof and now have a step by step tutorial published for all builders: beginners and advanced alike.

And for once (given that it's something of mine), it WORKS! How about that?!

Hole in the wall

Darth Joules wanted me to kick the stuffing out of some walls, so I gladly obliged, naturally!

These holes are actually windows that can be used singly or combined to make a huge hole as in the pictures here. The large hole is made up of four different windows.

I just lurvvve destruction!

Doing my worst!

It's OUT!!!

HUGE fanfares (okay - call it self-applause if you like)! I promised it ages ago, and now the time has finally come. Surely the biggest part of any grim neighbourhood is the grim bathroom furnishings they richly deserve. Especially public toilets, or is the UK alone in its propensity for THE most dire and grim toilets of all?

Click here to view a larger image

Bathrooms of Urban Decay

But yes, this is surely grimness personified. My favourite set of all time. My mother would NOT be proud of me. Having spent most of MY youth educating me in the finer arts of housework (SNORT! I'm not THAT stupid!), she would not be pleased at what I have turned into an art form in my rebellion.

But I like it. I like it very much!

Trash a happy neighbourhood today!

My last few entries have been notably devoid of pictures. That is through pure idleness. So I've taken a couple of my neighbourhood snapshots to show you how the not-so-nice players like to play...
While taking these piccies, a delicious thought of damage came to me... If you live with a Simmer who is devotedly proud of their green and pleasant neighbourhood, why not download and dump a dirty great Cyclonesue gasworks right in the middle of it today? Oh, TOO funny! Cackle!



You thought the City Airport idea was pretty stupid, huh? Just because you have no idea who might LIVE in an airport. Just because there are no planes in it. Just because you didn't think of it first...

Well, just be glad I DIDN'T go with my original idea of a 'Zoo In Space' lot then!


She's gone urban mad!!!

Yes, I thought it was high time for a bit of "In yer face" treatment for Urban Renewal. I have a few new lots and sets for the series and so I thought I'd feature on some of the original works for those of you who haven't been around at TSR long enough to have seen the original release several months ago.

My favourite set of all is out next: bathrooms of urban decay. I'll leave to your delectable imagination the 'public toilet' treatment of bathroom items, but nothing is 'overdone' (so there is no reason to fear if you're a tad squeamish like me). No more than 'just as it is'. Real Life.

Me? I'll stay indoors!

Am I back?

Well, yes in the creating, but not necessarily in the carping on and on (you'll be glad to know)...

I'm squeezing out a few new creations now with a new run on the Industrial Age series coming in June, but my available time will mean that I'm not about in forums. I would LOVE to be back (because I like nothing better than a good old moan as you well know by now), but Real Life keeps me away from venting my wrath here.

Therefore, if you send me personal messages, it might take me a few days before I am able to reply. I WILL reply, so just be aware that I've not turned into some nasty ignore-you person (how on earth could I ignore personal messages when they are such rich opportunities to make bitter complaints and swell my ever-expanding ego even more?).

Hope you love the new stuff waiting to eagerly soil your beautiful Sims neighbourhoods. Speak to you soon!


I've been a little bit absent for the last few days due to a few things going on in Real Life (said to add an air of mystery and make you wonder at what on earth could be SO great that it keeps Cyclonesue away from a computer). If you download things I've created, then rest assured I have my calendar cluttered with dreadful creations right up into June.

If you've already sent me personal messages, I WILL reply soon. I'm sorry not to have done so sooner. Thank you for bearing with me.

And no, I'm NOT in prison!

Elevated to a new level of fury!

Elevators! Yes, those Maxis ones we were given in 'Open For Business'. They're fine as they go - for everyone who makes smart homes. But not for me, and not for people who like the things I like.

So, on behalf of us gutter-dwellers who download the lowest of the low (yes, I'm prattling on about my Urban Renewal series YET AGAIN!), I set about making some suitable elevators...

I had originally planned recolouring the whole thing: the ceiling lighting, the buttons, the floor - these as well as the doors and panels (of course), and that meant cloning a Maxis elevator rather than simply creating recolours.

Alas, cloned elevators don't work. A moment's silence please whilst you all contemplate the total fury THAT caused me. I mean: they look pretty enough, but they're totally unusable by stupid Sims who just stamp and moan outside them. I happily failed my way through several attempts this last weekend, and to show for it, I have the grand total of ZERO working clones.

So, I'm afraid that my purest urbanites amongst you will have to swallow your pride and your tears and try instead to enjoy the new grunge lift doors and wall recolours I've made for your BAAAD lots - and try not to pay too much attention to the unbefitting marble floor, gleaming light and other uncolourable entities. Though I'm sure each time I see them, I shall emit a low growling sound...

You can see a larger, clearer image here.

Clueless, aren't we?

You really have NO idea what to do with those neon artefact lamps, do you?

And I want NO rude remarks! Unless you want to put your ruderies in my guest book - in which case I shall turn a blind eye whilst profiting by even MORE kudos points.

Which will no doubt be a great improvement on the two points I earned today. Don't sit there tittering either.

Latest Headlines

And holes in the roof! Hole in the wall Doing my worst! Trash a happy neighbourhood today! Airhead She's gone urban mad!!! Am I back? Sorry! Elevated to a new level of fury! Clueless, aren't we?
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