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Cyclonesue's Blog

Have you just LOST 50 kudos points?

In the early hours today (1st May 2006 00:10 GMT), some very kind person has just lost 50 kudos points because of my innate and irrepressible stupidity.

Does the following apply to you?

(1) Did you download AND comment on my Invisible Driveway?

(2) Is your comment now missing from the aforementioned driveway?

(3) Have you lost 50 kudos points today due to a deleted comment?

If this applies to you, contact me urgently so that it can be put right. You see, I was busily closing my many hundreds of Internet Explorer windows on my PC when I missed and clicked a pop-up window of comments that was still open. The stupid mouse pointer (yes, my mouse is as stupid as I am) clicked directly on a 'delete comment' link and one of the comments on the driveway is now missing. This means someone is down by 50 kudos points.

I've already contacted TSR in the hope that something can be done to identify whose comment I deleted, but please do let me know if you think it was you.

I'm now going to hold a mouse-burning ceremony.

Just think of it!

Yes, the fact you're here probably means you've also seen that set of fire extinguishers in my calendar for next week.

As usual (so as not to disappoint your expectations of me) they are useless. They do nothing except sit on work surfaces, tables, floors and shelves. They don't actually WORK and even the colours I've used have been decommissioned (all extinguishers are now red with a little colour to indicate contents, so mine aren't entirely up-to-date either).

But, I say this to you. Download them anyway. THINK OF THE KUDOS! Every little extra point inches you along to that TSR mug, and so posting a comment on the veritable extinguishers will be one point nearer to enhancing your caffeine-intake experience.

Go on. You know you want it.

Should we break bad habits?

I don't smoke or drink, but I DO sympathise with anyone who really wants to break either habit. My bad habit extends to rendering tastelessness into an art form. I did TRY to stop this (oh, I tried SO hard) by making pretty garden things, but I just can't seem to keep it up for extended periods...

Yes, I, the almighty can-do-anything (don't worry: it's this self-belief thing of mine - you don't have to share it), caved in. I went totally, unstoppably wild in making horrid things instead. You've seen in my last blog entry which I see as the pinnacle of badness to the Urban Renewal collection, and today also sees the release of horrible bedroom furniture...

We're told that one of the best remedies of kicking a bad habit is to join a support group. So, I shall initiate the TSG (Tasteless Support Group) to help those, like me, entrapped in the shackles of vileness. You see: there are many of you out there who wantonly join me in ruining the lives of our Sims. We take their plush homes, tear out their expensive decor and clutter them with spoiled goods, or we move them to a truly deprived area of town in a home more fitting to OUR addiction. Yes, that's right: we're utterly selfish; Sims are only Little People and so their feelings don't matter - not at all.

But, if we are to break this cycle of Sims-destruction, I think we shall begin with finding something syrupy nice on TSR and we'll join hands in a circle around the picture and chant...

Or point and laugh at it. Your choice.

So, here it is! Lovelier than ever!

The ultimate in unloveliness. The dastardliest of dastardly. The lowest of the low. Yes, it's the bathroom set of urban decay. I have waited SO long to bring you this fest of delight and I'm happy that it is here at last: the crowning installment to Urban Renewal.

Click here to see a preview pic of the full set, or sample these grisly piccies as a taster of things to come...

The walls and floor are, of course, from University. Any self-respecting Urban-Renewalite needs this expansion pack for these and other grimy walls and floors (oh, and the lockers mesh). The broken bulb light is from great creator DOT and her must-have 'Barely There' bulb set.

Enjoy your meal!

More loveliness...

Dear fans of the very unlovely Urban Renewal series...

In the wake of my recent, unfortunate transgression into Nice Things for this week's Spring Gardening theme (I'm still trying to wash the syrupy sticky niceness off my fingers), I am not going to leave you out.

No, I have more loveliness planned especially for you. In the calendar already are a couple of lots and a new set (the make-do bedding set extended to include bedroom furniture and decorative items)...

Bad bedroom set | Tennyson Court | Granville House

But the loveliest of all is still to come!
If you're a fan of this series (especially the sets) then you won't be disappointed! BUT, I can't resist giving away secrets, and so the picture on the right is a clue. For more, watch this space.

(That's a figure of speech, by the way. You don't HAVE to stare at the white space on this page indefinately. You can go now.)

Okay, I made that bit up

Those of you who went to my dripping tap today and saw that it stated 'Requires CEP', only to snort and walk away again - well, you can jolly well go back and download the tap from here.

You see: I made that bit up (about it requiring CEP). No, I DON'T know why. Don't bother me with stupid questions; you know it only makes me go create something horrible for your game.

Now, I'm sure you will ALL do the decent thing and download that tap. But, as with all my creations, don't expect it to do anything even remotely useful.

Somebody once said...

Somebody once said that blogs are the pointless ramblings of frustrated, talentless egotists. Talentless because, if they COULD write, then they would use their skill for something a little more productive than pollute the world with their pointless, inane thoughts that nobody could be bothered to read anyway...

Which is, quite frankly, rubbish! It is when it comes to MY intellectual musings. Naturally, you agree. It would be unwise of you NOT to agree.

In fact, I shall say that, whenever you hear someone cite: "Somebody once said...", you'll find they can't name who that 'somebody' is. This is because that 'somebody' never existed. No, your storyteller is passing on THEIR opinion to you by proxy: blaming a 'somebody else'.

Don't worry: I'll find them.

Trimming the fat

Before I begin, I would like to explain that I absolutely do NOT advocate 'diets' (read: calorie-counting, 'does-my-bum-look-big-in-this', self-starving type of dieting) at all. No way. Never. No excuses.

So, given this, whose fat would I like to trim, exactly?

Well, Andrea (Shakeshaft) nudged me in the direction of my invisible driveway. It was a rather large 600kb. This is because it was made by a complete beginner (me - back in October, when I'd only just learnt to recolour).

After its work-out in SimPE, it is now a much leaner 2.5kb, so if you're a lot builder and would like a little less Cyclonesue bloatware in your lots, download the revised version now.

Serves her right!

Well, she asked for it, didn't she? You have to admit this is LONG overdue...

So, you think you're all smart now?

You made some stairs, did you? You thought you could take that tutorial and make some modular stairs of your own and you did. Now you're feeling all pompous and self-important, right?


Well, if you think you're THAT good, how would you like to move on to something even EASIER?! Think you're up to the challenge?

Fences. They're so easy you'll wonder why you hadn't thought it up all by yourselves. Well, probably because you needed a guided thump from me, that's why. So, here we are: a new tutorial for you. How to recolour fences...

Recolouring Fences

Well, get on with it, then!

Latest Headlines

Have you just LOST 50 kudos points? Just think of it! Should we break bad habits? So, here it is! Lovelier than... More loveliness... Okay, I made that bit up Somebody once said... Trimming the fat Serves her right! So, you think you're all smart now?
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