Cyclonesue's Blog
Sideway Driveway
I saw this neat looking tutorial about using driveways sideways to make on-street parking. I tried it; it means meddling with a portal (a Maxis pavement tile to you and I). But it seems real easy AND people are getting this to work. Me? No, it all went wrong - big time. The driveway turned as it was meant to, I was able to place the vehicle and I built this super lot on the terrain.But the family wouldn't move in properly (the game simply hung), then the lot was crashing my game, then the neighbourhood it was in was crashing my game. So, bye-bye lot, family, neighbourhood. Bye-bye one and all.
Lesson number 17: back up your neighbourhoods before trying exploits like this! I hope I have learnt it - this time!
Well, waddayaknow? My very own vessel through which to bore you all to tears!Best you dig out the Kleenex right now, because those boredom tears will be rollin' pretty fast! I'm good at carping on and on about nothing.
Dang Thing's Finished
Ever started building a house because you wanted to build that ONE BIT?Well, I wanted to build a house with a garage on the FIRST floor (yes, I know: DUMB idea). And I did it; it CAN be done (see my not-very-good "Badger's Lodge"). Shame the rest of the house is, er, unremarkable, but it took weeks to decide what could be added to the aforementioned first floor garage.
Ho hum.
Christmas Tidings
To celebrate the festive snowy season being enjoyed by marginally less than half of the entire planet, my contribution will be...A jungle scene! A few huts, creepers, rope bridges etc.
Well, I don't have any snow-topped trees, snow terrain or anything like that, so there we all are.
Bye-bye banner
I'm not here to cause any real damage as such, but I have just managed to kill my banner. At least this removes my obligation to own up to all those bizarre items you see on my profile page! They were "Creations By Someone".That is: not ME!