Daisy-Sims (5976124)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (243 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
Hi Everyone!
We are a group of creators that are making hair, clothing, accessories and makeup cc since TS3
Hair Creator Ginko:
Instagram: @ginko_sims
Pinterest: pinterest.com/GinkoHair/
Tumblr: ginko0613
Patreon: Ginkosims
Clothing Creator Becky:
Pinterest: pinterest.com/BeckyFEOH/
Instagram: @beckyauston
Tumblr: becky-sims
Patreon: daisysims
Makeup Creator Kaleido
国内订阅类[发型]爱发电和面包多 搜索Ginko Sims
国内订阅类[衣服]爱发电 搜索 Becky Sims
小红书/微博: Becky-Sims
Terms of Use
Please link back to the original download page instead of re-uploading the documents elsewhere
Do not use our texture/mesh or any part of our cc
We do not give permission to conversions to other games(including Sims2, Sims3).
We appreciate your understanding and thank you for keeping us motivated in creating