What's Black and White and Red All Over!?
A Newspaper! (Get it? Red / Read).... ok fine! Black is the new white! Or maybe white is the new black... who can say for sure! What we can tell you is that we're having a screenshot contest and the theme is Black and White!
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) and either transform it into black and white using an editing program, or simply make it as black and white as possible using objects and clothing that are already black and white. It never hurts to add a pop of color here and there, but the majority of the image should be black and white! Your shot can be anything related to Sims, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'Black and White!' To do that, click on Account at the top of the front page, scroll down to Edit Screenshots and click. Choose the tab at the top that says Submit Screenshot and fill in the information. Also, make sure you change the Public to Yes or no one will see it.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Saturday, August 9th 2014. Winners will be announced by Thursday, August 14th, 2014.
The first prize winner will see their screenshot on our Facebook page and will also receive a full month of VIP access to the site (no advertisements, use of the download basket, etc).
Second place will get two weeks of VIP access.
Third place will get one week of VIP access.
(If the winner is already a VIP, the time will simply be added to the number of days left on their current account.)
Good Luck and Have Fun!