Degera's Blog
Facebook Cover Photo Contest!
Baby it's Cold Outside! (Ok, so in some parts of the world it's not very cold at all, but it is here, so just agree with me!) And when it's this cold, we need something warm and cheerful... like a new Facebook Cover Photo showing your Sims celebrating the holidays!
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) that best portrays your Sims in the Holiday spirit. Show them hosting a gift giving party, or having a snowball fight, or sipping hot cocoa on the front porch. Your shot can be anything related to Sims celebrating in the cold, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'Holiday Spirit!' To do that, hover your mouse over the Account option at the top of the page, scroll down to Edit Screenshots and click. Choose the tab at the top that says Submit Screenshot and fill in the information. Make sure you change the Public to Yes.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Winners will be announced by Thursday, January 9, 2014.
The first prize winner will see their screenshot on our Facebook page as our cover image and will also receive a full month of VIP access to the site (no advertisements, use of the download basket, etc).
Second place will get two weeks of VIP access.
Third place will get one week of VIP access.
(If the winner is already a VIP, the time will simply be added to the number of days left on their current account.)
NOTE: Facebook cover photo size is 850x315 and our logo will be on top of the bottom left corner of the image.
Winners of the 'My Favorite' Screenshot Contest!
We would like to thank everyone who entered the 'My Favorite' screenshot contest! There were some amazing entries and our judges had a really tough time picking only three winners. That said, the winners are...
First place goes to Ms_Blue featuring Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii from the movie Kill Bill -
Second place goes to leHeLi featuring Jon Snow and his Direwolf from the TV show Game of Thrones -
Third place goes to Pearle_of_Tearlake featuring Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile -
Congratulations to you three!
The 'My Favorite' Screenshot Contest!
We all have favorite characters from movies and television shows, or even from a beloved book. So imagine your favorite character in the Sims world, and then create him or her!
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) that best portrays your favorite character, using clothing, makeup and objects from TSR (or EA). Placing that character into a scene to match would be awesome, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'My Favorite!', at the following link - In the description, write who the character is and what book, movie or TV show that character is from.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Friday, July 19, 2013. Winners will be announced by Tuesday, July 23, 2013.
First prize is either a free subscription day from TSR, or 650 simpoints to be spent at the EA store.
Second prize is either 10 subscriber downloads from TSR (including hair, sets, lots, etc) or 350 simpoints to be spent at the EA Store.
Third prize is either 6 subscriber downloads from TSR (including hair, sets, lots, etc) or 100 simpoints to be spent at the EA Store.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
500 Creations
I've reached a sort of milestone here at TSR - 500 creations. While there are plenty of artists who have higher numbers, there's only a small handful of us who have submitted creations for The Sims, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3. I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you who download my things and make it worthwhile.
Winners of the Winter Wonderland Screenshot Contest!
We would like to thank everyone who entered the 'Winter Wonderland' screenshot contest! There were some incredible entries and our judges had a tough time picking just three winners. And the winners are...
First place goes to SpinTheMoon with Winter at Garden Cottage (just look at the way the light makes this image seem almost real) -
Second place goes to liltoxiccupcake with a Deer in the Snow (so calm and peaceful!) -
Third place goes to djehmli with A night view of the Farm (who doesn't love holiday wishes from our furry friends?) -
Congratulations to you three!
Winter Wonderland Screenshot Contest!
Show us your best Winter Wonderland screenshot! You do not need Seasons to enter (you can use terrain paints, etc).
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) that best portrays your idea of a winter landscape. Your shot can be anything related to winter, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'Winter Wonderland!', at the following link -
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Sunday, December 16, 2012. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 18, 2012.
First prize is winner's choice of either 12 subscriber downloads from TSR (including hair, sets, lots, etc) or 650 simpoints to be spent at the EA Store.
Second prize is winner's choice of either 7 subscriber downloads from TSR (including hair, sets, lots, etc) or 350 simpoints to be spent at the EA Store.
Third prize is 5 subscriber downloads.
(If the winner is already a subscriber, the prize can be transferred to a non-subscriber.)
The Daily Featured Creations Lottery on Facebook FAQ
Many of you play the lottery every day but I bet you've always wondered how it works...
1. What is the lottery?
The Featured Creations lottery is a showcase for six of our subscriber items that have been published on that particular day. (If we didn't publish six subscriber items on that day, we will use popular items from the past so that we always have six.)
2. How do I enter?
Visit our Facebook page ( ) and locate that day's lottery post. Look through the six images and click 'Like' on the items you would want to win.
3. What's the prize?
For non-subscribers, the prize is a free subscriber download of their choice.
4. Is the lottery only for non-subscribers?
No! Subscribers can play too, however, instead of winning the download of their choice, they can pick an item from the EA Store worth 25 Simpoints.
5. How do you pick the winners?
First, we look at how many people 'liked' the lottery post overall and that will determine how many winners we have for that day. (For example, 40 likes is 4 winners, 50 likes is 5 winners, 60 likes is 6 winners...)
Second, we make a list of the names of all the people who entered by copying the names of everyone who 'liked' the six images. (This usually means we have a list of 120 names, on average.)
Third, we use a random number generator from the people at MathGoodies ( ). We enter 0 and the number of names on the list and get a random number. Then we scroll down the list and match that random number to a name. (If we need to choose five winners, we do it five times.)
6. Can you win more than once?
Yes! It is entirely random.
7. Why aren't there any Sims 2 items in the lottery?
The lottery is for promoting our new subscriber downloads, and none of our Sims 2 downloads are subscriber - they are all free.
8. Where do you get the screenshots you use to announce the winners?
The screenshots we use are from the Featured Screenshots, in the Studio section of the website ( ).
Anything else you'd like to know? Feel free to ask in the comments!
Winners of The 'Flip This House' Contest!
We would like to thank everyone who entered the Flip This House contest! There were some truly incredible entries and our judges had a tough time picking just three winners. (With a huge thank you to our judges, Lulu265, Flovv and Wolfspryte!)
Here are all of the amazing entries!
First, we would like to give special honors to one of our Featured Artists and one of our Select Artists who took the time to enter even though they could not win - FredBrenny and MrSimulator! You can see their entries here -
And now, the winners are...
First place goes to Renee Nana! You can see the entry here -
Second place goes to Michelle Colon! You can see the entry here -
Third place goes to Max McDinkle! You can see the entry here -
Congratulations to you three!
As we said, our judges had a really hard time choosing, so we'd like to share with you some Honorable Mentions:
Thelma Vann, Nic Hutchison, Dani Maxwell, Relena Yuy, Ashley Geist, Karen Le Plastrier, Simmerly Simson and Theresa Starkey West! You can see those entries here -
The 'Flip This House' Contest!
Download the house at the link below and then go nuts... you can gut the entire thing, renovate everything about the outside - the only rule is that the footprint of the home must remain the same as before. What's the footprint, you ask? It's the area defined by the foundation.
Hate that awful grey siding or the roof? Change it! Want an open floorplan with only one huge bedroom? Change it! Pink flowers are tacky and that porch is way too small? Change it! Your home can be taller, or you may add a basement, but you must keep within the outline of the foundation (the garage and back porch can be removed).
Download the lot here -
Once you've turned this shack into a dreamhome, take seven screenshots detailing the changes you made and create a photo album on Facebook. Add the title "TSR Flip This House Contest" and then send us a PM on Facebook with the link to your photo album. (No compilation images allowed and images that have been heavily photoshopped will not be accepted.)
You may enter as many times as you like but you must create a new photo album for each entry.
All entries must be submitted by 10PM EST, Sunday, July 8, 2012. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, July 11, 2012.
First prize is the winner's choice of an entire day of access to our subscriber content OR 500 Simpoints to be spent at the EA Store.
Second prize is the winner's choice of 10 subscriber downloads (including hair, sets, lots, etc) from TSR OR 300 Simpoints to be spent at the EA store.
Third prize is the winner's choice of 6 subscriber downloads (including hair, sets, lots, etc) from TSR OR 150 Simpoints to be spent at the EA store.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
v8 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Where are my Kudos!??
Kudos are being replaced with our new Awards system. While it is not yet functional, it will be soon, and we know you're going to love it. If you earned enough Kudos for Free days, _you can still use them_ but you need to do it within the next three weeks or they will expire. (To use them go to If you were using Kudos for minisite perks, they are no longer needed. Now everyone has their own profile page!
2. A profile page?
Yes, now everyone has one. To access your page, make sure you are logged in, and click the 'My Profile' link in the top left corner of the TSR page.
3. Can I customize my profile page?
To some extent, yes. You can add a banner image, post in your blog, fill in your 'About Me' profile and feature your creations (if you have any). There are plans to make a few tweaks in the future, such as letting users decide what content to display, but the main focus for the coders right now is bug fixes, so that will have to wait.
4. How do I customize my profile page?
Once you are logged in, you can hover your mouse over your username in the top left and see the menu of actions available. Click on "My Account" and you should see areas for personal information, updating your blog, uploading a banner image, etc.
5. How do I download?
If you are not a subscriber, you will need to click on the Name of the Download located under the preview image. It will open the Details page where you should see the download button under the image. This is just like it was in v7 where you had to click the 'Show Details' link, except now you're clicking on the name itself. If you are a subscriber, you can click the preview image, which will open a Quick View popup with a download button.
6. I'm on an Featured Artist's minisite and I can't find the downloads...
Across the top of the page you will see a row of links. It should have the artist's name followed by Downloads then Studio then the envelope for private messages and so on... click on the word Downloads, choose the game if necessary and then you will see all of the downloads by that artist.
7. How do I sort the downloads?
When you access a page listing several downloads, you should see a Toggle Filters button on the left. Click that button to open up the filters menu.
8. I think I found a bug, what should I do?
Report anything that isn't working by either opening a ticket in our support system, or by posting it here on the forums - You can also leave comments or suggestions on the forums.