DiamondSim (1099443)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Abstract Circles 'N Swirls
Published Jul 15, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (169 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Patriotic Colors Dress Set
Published Apr 15, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hi, everybody, nice to meet you. I am so happy to be here! Thanks for visiting my page. If you've downloaded any of my creations, thank you, and I hope you enjoy playing with them in your game! As you can see I have changed my avatar to something a lot more uplifting to the spirits! I finally managed to get my head out of the toilet, my perpetual swirly was messing with my brain--so as you can see, I not only have a brand new avatar I also have a brand new attitude!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Pattern # 4 Coming Soon!Written Jul 13, 2009
I just put the finishing touches on the 4th pattern I've uploaded here to TSR, and, as usual, it was made with an original Photoshop brush created by me. I dont have time to scout for brushes made by others anyway; its a lot easier and much more fun for me just to make my own. Anyway, the new one will be out whenever they can get to it, meanwhile I have a screenshot posted for a preview.... ...More
Another Pattern is Ready for PublishingWritten Jul 09, 2009
I just got everything finished and uploaded and I am waiting on the publishing date. This pattern is extra special to me cause I think it just turned out so well. There is not as much blue in it as I had wanted, so it doesnt look as much like a Union Jack flag on the guitar as I had intended, but, other than that, ROCK ON!!! :D ...More
MY NEW AVATAR!Written Jul 08, 2009
I do plan on making a sims3 selfsim eventually, but til then I just wanted to finally get my head out of the toilet! Its been stuck there far too long--and since I am feeling so much better, I wanted a new avatar that will reflect my new found excitement! ( If you dont remember my last avatar, it was two legs sticking out of a nasty toilet, like some poor dude in the middle of taking care of... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
tdyanndFeb 17, 2010
Hey, Katt! ...totally wish you were still hog-wild about simming. Miss the old times...
dgandyDec 19, 2009
May this holiday season bring you love, peace of mind, good health
and prosperity that lasts throughout the years to come. Merry Christmas!
Jaws3Oct 26, 2009
Thanks for downloading my stuff... And for your lovely comment on my creations and in my GB! And for you congratulations! See you at the Shack!