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Dincer's Guestbook

simslover7May 1, 2004

Hello Dincer! I know I've written before, but I just have to say it one more time. Your objects are beautiful and your work is AWESOME! I think I have downloaded every single item I have ever seen with your name as creator. Thanks you for your wonder contributions to the Sim Community! Your fan forever, Jill \:\)

oldmember_kiwicoupleApr 5, 2004

Hey there! I think you have the most beautiful items available for the sims..I use everything of yours. I'm learning 3DS Max, and one day I hope to be a good as you :-) Lisa Park Ave Designs

EarthGoddess54Apr 2, 2004

I just wanted to say I think you're extremely talented and I am in love with all of your creations. I visit your site frequently and just admire your hard work. I don't know how you do it, but your items all look so real and just...fanastic! Thank you so much for sharing your talent and hard work with us.

simply_reneeMar 26, 2004

Your work is absolutely fabulous!!!! I would love to see some matching appliances. Thanks so much! You're my favorite artist!

oldmember_kiracmMar 24, 2004

Hi! I really love your provencial series. I was just wondering if you are going to make matching kitchen appliances for them (fridge, dishwasher, trash compactor). Look forward to more from you!

tktk104Mar 21, 2004

As to objects, one name shines brighter than all....Dincer!! Your work is absolute perfection!!!

oldmember_SimsnetworkFeb 24, 2004

(a small p.s.: will the bridal room be available on your personal website too?) sincerely, Rosana

oldmember_SimsnetworkFeb 24, 2004

Hi there! I've been watching the Bridal bedroom for a couple of days now.. and I've been waiting for the moment to download it (I'm not a subscriber, I don't have a creditcard and all) I truly adore all of your work! And especially the bridal bedroom since it looks just like my room (it looks a bit like it, but isn't exactly the same. I will wait until the day that the bridal room will become available for download :-) Keep up the good work and please: never stop making objects!! You're very talented! Sincerely, Rosana (Simnetwork/Simnetwerk) Netherlands

perfectpunk668Feb 23, 2004

*bows down in worship* You Sir, are a god among Sim designers. It is all beautiful!!! i look forward to more of Your works of art.

hamsterhead18Feb 22, 2004

I LOVE your work! I want to download all of it, but I can't cause its not all free. But the stuff that is free is first on my list! You do such an amazing job! hamsterhead18

frazled61Feb 7, 2004

I LOVE your sims objects! You are truly talented! Please keep up hte good work! Anymore futuristic sets coming??

SheeraFeb 2, 2004

Hi Dincer .. I really adored ur Christimas set .. Really great job .. -Sheera aka (Z.A.V's Lots' Ctreator)

cyperangelJan 9, 2004

Well, what can I say, that hundreds of others havent already said \:\) Ive downloaded the millenium set, and all my poor sims are doing now, is salving away to get enough simolians home so they can buy all the parts. Tho I must confess, I miss a few pieces here and there, its still THE! best set ive ever seen anywhere for the sims... Kudos, and man, I wish I had your skill hehe Best greetings from Denmark

oldmember_hummingbird456Nov 23, 2003

Thank you for that fantastic Millenium series you've been doing. I think I have all of it downloaded and was very excited to find a kitchen now available! I just wish you'd have added a refridgerator to the set. That would have made it perfect! My Sims are happiest in the houses where I put your Millenium furnishings. You most certainly are a talented artist! Keep up the great work!

LyssaKiNov 21, 2003

I really love your millenium sets! I was very excited to see the kitchen come out today. Any chance of adding a fridge and trash compactor to the set? Have to go build another house now for the kitchen set. Thanks!

oldmember_ZwangggNov 8, 2003

You make the most beautiful Sim objects I have ever seen. I've loved your stuff ever since I found your site on the Ultimate Sims list and I was thrilled to see you show up here at the Sims resource. It's only fitting that such a great site and such a great artist should get together. Thanks to you, my Sims live better than I ever will. Di -Springfiled VA

makshadowfaxNov 4, 2003

Hello Dincer, You are my favorite artist, I love everything you make. Maybe Maxis should hire you to design for the game. Mary King Washington, Michigan, USA

Rhapsody_ap_LlaronOct 25, 2003

I love all of your objects and sets. I would like to download alll of the mellenium sets but I can't. I think a lot more people would download the sets if they were in the free section.

lyrkerOct 23, 2003

I've been using your stuff for a couple of years now, dl'd off your website. Didn't know you were here too. Love your work.

oldmember_degilbertOct 21, 2003

Dincer, I believe I have entirely spoiled one of my Sim families! I saw your first millineum set and knew the couple would love it. I downloaded it, installed it and the little Sim wife was thrilled. I've continued to download each of the millineum sets as they came out and dutifully placed them into their lovely home. Well, now they have kids and since Mom and Dad got their wonderful millineum bedroom, the kids want a set made just for them. Mom keeps harping about a millineum kitchen and Dad,well... he's pulling out handfulls of his gorgeous dark hair... I mean... what's a man to do??? He's asked me to request the kitchen and the kid's room. He swears he'll work his little Sim hands to the bone to buy it all and, he's hoping the dog just doesn't get any bright ideas about a millineum doghouse! Great work, Dincer!

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