Donnha (412997)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (685 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Floral Walls - Set4
Published Nov 5, 2009
About Me
As I can't update/edit older sets here, I'm going to do it at my blog here -
* there is a new wallset up for download at the blog - an opening gift to you.
Note: I will continue to upload here as well, but not as often
My Latest Updates Show All
Showing off ...Written Jul 04, 2009
I've decided to spend some of my hard earnt Kudos points and add a picture gallery to show off some of my favourite rooms that my simmes currently resided in. It's also give you abit of an insight to my decorating style and it showcases some of the walls/floors, beddings etc. that I have made - to give you some idea of what they look like in the game. As you will see I... ...More
Welcome and Thank you!! :)Written Jan 15, 2009
Welcome to my little corner on TSR!! I'm not much of a talker but, I just wanted to give a huge 'Thank You' to everyone who has downloaded my creations over the past year and of course, to those who have taken the time to post such lovely comments ... it always makes my day to know that there are simmers out there who enjoy my stuffies in their game... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Apr 01, 2015
Thanks for sharing your great creations!
RamSnakeMay 17, 2012
Hey Just wanted to tell you, that you're my favorite creator of walls and tiles. Thank you very much! have a nice day!
hiedibear75Jan 06, 2011
Hiya. I just thought I'd let ya know my PC has been handeling CC including MESHES to work....for about a year now.....anywho....I've been putting some more CC into my game & just HAD TO get some of your wonderful items. Hope you have a terrific 2011.