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Eisbaerbonzo's Guestbook

HordrissMay 17, 2008

That must have been some crash... much like the one that wiped out the neighbourhood my sister had built up for three years. \:\( Oh well, I'm glad you still had the stamina to build up and make use of my old uniforms again. \;\) Please do let me know if you have any requests. I am always open to challenges.

HordrissMay 16, 2008

Ah, Hornblower... How that takes me back. \:\) I do hope I've come along a little, since then, though (I'm sure my work has improved since I learned to steal and blend photos instead of hand-drawing everything \;\) ). Thanks very much for the comment. \:\)

sweetpreaMay 16, 2008

thanks...keep up the good work

TrailRunner782May 15, 2008

Hi, you're very welcome for the comments!! The set is great in the game, it's so much better than the basic Maxis set. I had downloaded the set before but my computer crashed and I'd lost it and couldn't remember where it came from. Somehow in my travels on this site I found it; I was practically jumping up and down! lol Thanks for the comment on my puppy! He's a big boy now, but he still tries to sleep on me.lol He'll be 3 in August, the years have just flown by!

MoMamaMay 5, 2008

I found some good shoes and some good arch supports and am averaging 2.5 miles per day. Hope your week goes well. \:D \:D

MoMamaMay 3, 2008

Hi there. Thanks for being the first although I'm still not there yet. Hard to get there when there isn't much time to put in. Doing what I can with what I have. Your things are still lovely as usual. Take care! NK\:D \:D

babyg_2006Apr 29, 2008

\:D U are welcome....keep up the good work!!!\:rah\:

TheNumbersWomanApr 24, 2008

Hey Eisbaer! I am so glad you like the Bath set. I cant wait to see what you comw up with in a recolor\:D Catherine

artruiApr 22, 2008

Hi Eisbaerbonzo! I've just seen your massage and commentaries on my items.\:\)I'm really glad to read such a concrete argument from you. \:\) English and German are not my first language. I'm trying to use them better. \:o \:\) Thanks for the praise on my creations. (Ich mag Ihre internationale Freundlichkeit!\;\) )Have a nice day!

scardy44Apr 21, 2008

aww\:\( im sorry about you cat but at least youll never forget him..I had two cats that died when i was in 5th grade...it was sad but ill never forget them

scardy44Apr 20, 2008

i love your picture of your cat..its a pritty cat.

scardy44Apr 20, 2008

no actually i didnt take the photo. it really came on my new computer. thanks for commenting. its my favorite that came on it, i think it was just gorgeous

SemitoneApr 20, 2008

Hi! \:D Thanks for lovely comments on my cobbled road! \:wub\: You are welcome! \:\)

SpaciKathyApr 19, 2008

Hi, danke für deinen voll lieben (und langen) gb-eintrag. Find ich voll nett, dass dir meine Seite (trotz des orange\:D ) und auch meine Sims-Items gefallen. Musste natürlich auch erstmal auf deiner Seite stöbern\:D , voll coole Sachen hast du gemacht. Ich find es toll, dass du Meshes recoloerst, da trau ich mich irgendwie noch nicht ran\:\( . Ich finde es auch immer super wenn man comments von anderen Artist bekommt, du hast schon recht, der Tag ist dann gerettet\:D . Deutsche Kommentare find ich auf jeden Fall nicht schlimm, da versteht man wenigsten zu 100% mal alles\:D . Hoffe du hast ein sehr schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße SpaciKathy!!!

midland_04Apr 18, 2008

No Problem, I always enjoy leaving comments on items that were recolored or created well. I know the hard work that goes into them. Midland_04

olina231Apr 18, 2008

Please visit: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/cmid_1976466/sims2/clothing/page1in23items/ http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/cmid_1976466/sims2/clothing/page2in23items/ and dowload my creations!!!Thanks Olina!!!

olina231Apr 18, 2008

Thank you so much!!!\:P \:P \:P

SunairApr 13, 2008

What a lovely comment I'v got from you, thank you so much as always\:\)

Pernille93Apr 13, 2008

I totally know what you mean! I think I will make a folder in Sims, containing my downloaded stuff. So that I can use it all, or else I will never make a room with all the different furnitures! Bu anyway, I feel that I have plenty of time after school \:P And in the weekend. I normally just do my homework, hang out with friends, and then I turn on the computer :P

Gem--xxApr 12, 2008

your welcome \:D thanks!

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