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Eisbaerbonzo's Guestbook

Midnight222Mar 15, 2009

Hmmmm I wonder who put the sand on the stair? Some nasssssty person who enjoys watching women in pumps fall perhaps? You didn't happen to hear anyone cackling an evil mwhaaaaa haaaa haaaaa?! \:lol\: Glad your feeling better! \:\)

MoMamaMar 3, 2009

It's all part of my evil plan! \:P ** insert evil laugh here **

simsfawn200Feb 10, 2009

\:D I really like your work, you are so talented! \:wub\:

LillyKPFeb 9, 2009

I just wanted to drop by and tell you how much I like your glass bathroom recolors.  Thanks

The_UnicornJan 31, 2009

Hi,thank you for your nice comments on my creations... You're doing also a wonderfull job, creating, I like it alot. I had alot of fun reading your comments with the part of salmon addict, haha! It's more like sand and white, those are my favorites... Am not creating for a short time I hope, cause I had a stroke, a minor, but evenso. So there has to be a lot of hospital trips and I hope to be better soon, so I can go back, dayly to create and visit again... Again thanks and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hug, Sandra.\:wub\:

estaticaJan 24, 2009

Hi Eisbaer! The trip to the US was awesome, so much that I'm still trying to adjust to the real life here. DOT... you would love to meet her to see how brilliant she really is! \:wub\:I missed visiting your page, you always have so many cool stuff here! \:rah\:

tdyanndJan 13, 2009

Hey. Thanks for the congrats and stuff. It has been awesome, Padre and Steve are hilarious and Dot and Estatica and Hats are really nice girls. I'll have a very, VERY lengthy blog by the time the night is over for me. It's just 7pm now. So, check back when you can. There'll  be TONS of information.

maxi kingJan 12, 2009

\:cool\:Hallo,ich hab eine Anleitung gefunden!Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe,müsste nun eigendlich klappen!\;\) \:cool\:

maxi kingJan 12, 2009

\:cool\:Hallo,hab das mal probiert,sag leider falscher file typ,was muss ich tun um ihn von package zu ändern?\:confused\:

maxi kingJan 11, 2009

\:wub\:Hallo da!Ich könnte mal Hilfe gebrauchen,dachte daran ein Haus hoch zu laden,hab aber keinen Plan von irgend etwas!\:\(

travianaJan 8, 2009

Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes neues Jahr ..\:\)

mightyfaithgirlJan 7, 2009

Thank u so much for signing my daughter Princess MooMoo's GB. I wish i could transfer all my kudos to her.. i have a tonne just sitting doing nothing as I dont need them! Hmmph BTW I love your stuff! I do recoloring of maxis stuff on Wozards of SimpE but have had a heck of a time figuring our CC meshes on SimPE. Tydannd attempted to give me a step by step .. but I am still stuck! LOL. maybe its good thing as I have gotten thanks from people who appreciate that i do Maxis stuff as they dont want to download CC. BUT Any help you have to offer would be incredibly appreciated!\;\) \:D

princess_moomooJan 7, 2009

thanks, i really appreciate all the help from everyone... it is really nice!=}.. i am really hoping to get a mini site!!!\:D!! ~ Mia Happy Simming!!!\:\)

maxi kingJan 6, 2009

\:wub\: Danke,ich hab den Mesh schon und benutze ihn gern,könnte gut sein das du sie mal in einer Story wieder findest!\:D In meiner nächsten aber nicht,da hab ich das Haus schon fertig und auch schon ein paar Bilder!\;\) Danach hab ich auch schon Ideen,könnte vileicht schnell gehen\:D Mal sehen,noch 'nen schönen Tag!Irmtraut\:rah\:

Queenie1988Jan 5, 2009

Thank you for your kind words \:wub\: I love your toddler stuff - I use it a lot in the game. \:\) I've just downloaded your newest bathroom set. \:D

PathosPlayerJan 4, 2009

Danke fuer deine liebe nachricht. Ich wuensche Dir ebenfalls alles Gute fuer das neue Jahr und weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Deinen Kreationen! \:\) Neidisch musst Du nicht sein, ich bin schon so lange hier, 27 Jahre, und habe eigentlich keine Probleme aber nach so langer Zeit packt einen doch manchmal das Heimweh, ueberhaupt wenn man aelter ist und keine Familie mehr am Heimatort hat...\:rolleyes: Ich bin hier verheiratet und habe eine liebe Tochter die auch schon 24 Jahre alt ist. \:ph34r\: Viele Gruesse nochmal Regina

PathosPlayerJan 3, 2009

Wishing you a prosperous and healthy new year! I am 51 years and started to play sims 2 one year ago... I love your creations!!! Until now I had no time to create, nor have time to learn... May be with sims 3 from the very begining, who knows... Best wishes again Regina (from Vienna living in Greece)! \:wub\: \:ph34r\:

nkellyjeanDec 26, 2008

Happy Holiday's and have a wonderful new year\:wub\: \:rah\:

D2DiamondDec 25, 2008

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

luvmy7Dec 25, 2008

Eisbaer, I would like to wish You a very Merry Christmas. Filled with all the Wonderful Love of Family and Friends. Have an Awesome Day Tomorrow. Sue \:wub\:

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