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Eisbaerbonzo's Guestbook

H3wwySep 12, 2008

Eisbaer, thats wonderful news! Big congratulations to you and to the man lucky enough to have you by his side! I wish you both a lot of happiness. Now... you got married today girl, get off this computer you have better things to do!! LOL lots of love, Issy\:wub\:

tinkerbell7716Sep 11, 2008

thanks for signing my guest book.\:\)

pinkfloydgroupieSep 11, 2008

I've wanted to go to one but haven't yet. \:rah\:

charraySep 7, 2008

I love your creations. You are a wonderful artist. Thanks for sharing. \:rah\: \:\) \:\)

skyblue7377Sep 6, 2008

I love the walls and floors you have done. I have found several places to use them...thank you so much for all of your work

tdyanndAug 23, 2008

Hey, I wanted to say I love your TC100 set, and thanks for the comment you left on my TC100 Seaview Recolor. \:\) \:wub\:

ShinoKCRAug 21, 2008

Hallo! Danke für Deinen lieben Kommentar im PB Nurceryset Part2. Ich freu mich, dass es Dir gefällt. Nachdem ich gehört habe, dass man meine Sets schwer recolorn kann hab ich meine UVMaps geändert. Sie sind jetzt glaub ich so dass man besser damit zurecht kommt. Ausserdem musste ich ne Menge bezüglich Texturing lernen, damit ich von den doch manchmal hohen Polygons runterkomme. Die Effecte sind jetzt halt mehr über die Textur. Huggles Renate

mirakeAug 17, 2008

Hi Eisbaer \:\) Thank you for your compliment \:\) And you know, I'll do the worn wood recolors, and you cover the plain ones \:\) How does that sound \;\) We need a little to everybodies taste, so you just go ahaid and recolor the way you like it best \:cool\: Happy simming, Mira

TheNumbersWomanAug 15, 2008

Just saw your comment on the Krefeld Collection. All I can say is LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL\:P \:D

WarrayfinsonJul 27, 2008

Hey anytime. Love commenting on peoples work\:D Keep Creatng!!\;\)

WarrayfinsonJul 26, 2008

Hi, I just want to comment on how great your work is\:D. It's good to see you put a lot of effort into your work, which is what makes them so beautiful\:\) You really do ROCK! Keep Creating!!\;\)

hiedibear75Jul 26, 2008

Hello. I was browsing and snooping.\;\) Your cats are cute.......we've got 4 owners......I mean cats ourselves.\:D Have a great day.\:cool\:

artruiJun 13, 2008

Oh, I see. I've the same problem of big DL-file.\;\) I hope, the gamemaker can improve this ...perhaps the Sims3.\;\) \:P

SofijaDosenJun 9, 2008

Thanks! \:\)

artruiJun 9, 2008

Wow! Thanks to sign in my GB! I have 7 GB DL-folder, but so will the game not run. I wonder you and the others could have so many GBs. \:D

H3wwyMay 25, 2008

Good morning Eisbaer! Sorry it took me so long to get back to thank you for your wonderful comment on my Oala recolour! In fact, the thanks go to you because I have quite a few of your own recolours of that set, and you inspired me to give it a go! Hope all is well with you. Lots of love, Issy\:wub\:

midland_04May 23, 2008

Eisbaerbonzo, No problem on the screenshot comment, thanks again for sharing! Yea my dog was a rescue, she was 3 days away from being put to sleep. She's been faithful every since. I love her to pieces, and she has been the best dog I've had. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Midland_04 \:cool\:

~Monica~May 23, 2008

Hello Eisbaer...thank you for your wonderful comment on my recolor of Chrissy's Surfer Bedroom set \:wub\: Hope you enjoy it!

estaticaMay 19, 2008

Hi Eisbaer! Thank you so much for the warm welcome, I'm really happy to have joined such a talented group of creators. I take this opportunity to say it's always a pleasure to visit your minisite, I adore your work! \:wub\: \:rah\:

imogen.3May 18, 2008

hello my friend, still missing you, don't build for reflex forum anymore, had a run in with Jonesi. Don't agree with what they did, anyway still love your stuff and am meeting Ambron in a couple of weeks as she is coming to Australia to meet me. hugs Ann

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