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Elena.'s Guestbook

Zodiac_XNov 8, 2011

Hey... I love your creations, especially your Edge Hair (female-black). I don't know if you take requests, but it it possible for you to create/modify the Edge Hair with the hair ends in "J" shape both facing away from each other? I would love it if you could. Regards Zodiac (Your newest fan <3 )

butterflyha128Sep 24, 2011

I'm refilling my downloads folder after a computer crash and I cannot tell you how many times I have seen mulitple things I've liked and thought, "who is this artist, i keep loving their stuff!" and inevitably it's your page. Seriously, about a dozen times, I can't believe I haven't memorized your name yet. I'm sure know it's engrained in my memory.Thanks so much for creating and sharing all of your stunning work. My boyfriend (who's never played Sims) said, "Why are you wasting your time downloading all this stuff?" So I pulled up a Maxis sim and then a photo of one of your sims and he said, "Oh! Damn, that's awesome! Nevermind, download away." haha.

Sofmc9Sep 15, 2011

Ah, I see you have been creating hair during the summer. Any chance you might add waves to the ends of that hair from raonsims? \:D lol, I guess I must be annyoing you with this.

Sofmc9Sep 15, 2011

Whatever happened to Mia....?

Sofmc9Aug 19, 2011

Hi Mia, I just got back from Benfeita (Summer house) I spent around 3 weeks there \:\) How are you?? I haven't heard from you in ages! xxxx

CleotopiaAug 12, 2011

Hi Mia \:D Thank you so much for your comment sweetheart \:\) It was a lot of fun for me to work on your meshes! They were great! ~ Cleo

Sofmc9Aug 7, 2011

MIa, do you also know how to convert the ponytail hairstyle that comes with Sims 3 Generations to Sims 2? xxxx  

Sofmc9Jul 25, 2011

Hi Mia, I hope everything is okay with you!! I've sent a couple of emails to you but haven't got a reply and I'm just wondering if you're still creating for Sims 2 and not just Sims 3. \:\( Hope you never leave The Sims 2 and really hope you can make that wavy version of the sraight hair. xxxxxxxSofia  

fee simsJul 23, 2011

Thank you\:\)

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2011

We had a few warm weeks & so I got to go see a couple of shows + got to go swimming 3x so far. \:cool\:  I don't know if there is a "GOOD country" to live, the people aren't the problem.....it's the high taxes, lousy job markets, & crooked politicians who promise the regular people "I'll fight for YOU if you just elect me I'll make better changes!".......uh-huh sure they will......then who ever gets elected just goes back on every promise they made to THE PEOPLE, & things stay just as messed up if not more. \:rolleyes:  There are probably less oportunities in India than in Canada or Sweeden ESPECIALLY for women......just look at how many people there take on DANGEROUS jobs just to earn a bit of $ for their families. \:eek\:  Not to mention you already know English. \;\)  I've been doing a lot of peer support via the web for people who have a spinal cord and/or brain injury. \:cool\:   It's nice that I can help people feel less "alone" in their struggles. \:D  My eldest daughter is getting married in August......why let her younger sister have all the fun? \;\)  Still have ONE girl who isn't engaged or married. \:P LOL  So have you gotten your house fixed up yet? \:confused\:  Hope everything is going AOK with you. \:rah\:  Take care! \:wub\:  (wiggles nose) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2011

No it's still been a bit too breezy to go swimming. \:\(  For ME it has to be in the upper 70's & not too much breeze otherwise I will get muscle spasms that sometimes are so bad it looks like I'm bouncing my leg but I'M not doing it. \:wacko\:  Karen is still looking.....but there are not a lot of job openings out there. \:confused\:  So at this point.....a lousy job is better than no job. \;\)  I think the majority of the bitterness people feel is towards the governments & those FEW who own the majority of the world......cuz in their greed to have EVEN MORE they keep stomping on the regular people who just want to have a fair portion of the pie. \:wacko\:  Laurie is doing terribly I'm afraid. \:\(  Her MS has gotten so bad that now she can barely walk even with a walker & can't even get around in a manual wheelchair....she had to get an electric one & keep the manual one so that people taking her to apointments in their car since it can be folded & put in a trunk but then she has to be pushed. \:eek\:  The governemnt decided that because of Laurie's illness & her physical limitations the kids are ALL in foster care (being raised by the state) & it looks as though it will stay that way. \:mad\:  So Laurie gets to see her kids once a week for 1hr. \:\(  I've been doing a lot more sleeping cuz of the increased pain meds BUT hardly any \:puke\: anymore (knock on wood). \:cool\:  I'm glad you have found a Dr. who you like. \:rah\:  It's hard to do sometimes......the GOOD Dr.s are so far & few. \:rah\:  I like mine.....he is good at listening to what I have to say & what Mike has to say about even the day to day problems.......I wish I could clone him & send a couple dozen to each major city. \:rah\:  He figured out that the AC/heating unit for the office building is OFF during non-business hrs, so if I come in 1st thing in the AM the AC hasn't been freezing the rooms all day. \:D  Not to mention he made sure that when one of their exam tables needed replacing it was replaced with one that could go up & down so I can get on it easily without having to be PUT ON IT. \:cool\:  So has the heating been repaired in YOUR place yet? \:confused\:  I'm sure you want to be in YOUR home with all the things YOU WANT! \:\)  I take a peak here & there at the TS3 stuff......just to keep up with what's going on......STILL do NOT like how they look. \;\)  Although......I have seen a FEW TS3 models that I think ARE pretty. \:D  Anywho.....dinner time....gotta go. \:o  Take care hun. \:wub\:

DLMETZLER3Jun 4, 2011

I want to thank you for a the lovely hair you create. Keep up the good work, and have a wonderful summer!

hiedibear75May 21, 2011

Yes MANY countries are all in the same situation. \:confused\:  BROKE! \:eek\:  The PEOPLE no longer own & control their own lands corporations do!  Just look at how many international companies now have a GDP larger than most nations. \:mad\:  Karen is trying to find a job where she doesn't have to do so much driving because it eats up a LOT of her check every week just filling up her car (like $75-$125 a week or so). \:wacko\:  Yes you're remembering correctly.....I LOVE TO SWIM! \:D   It's pretty much the only way I can exercise my lower 1/2. \:cool\:  I do like creating.....it's always nice to be able to share creations with others. \:cool\:  I've got TONS of 1/2 made wall sets & lots on my hard-drive. \:o  Yeah I guess the extra loopy is an equal trade to giving up the "bucket days". \;\)  I'm sleeping quite a bit more BUT I'm FINALLY gaining some weight! \:rah\:  I was even able to put my clothes that are "YOUTH XL" in the closet because they're too small. \:rah\:  Hope your days are warm & sunny & full of FUN & LOVE! \:wub\:

CleotopiaMay 21, 2011

Thanks \:wub\: Maybe Newsea paradise? I don't know, I just download whichever you make, like all of them \:\)

CleotopiaMay 16, 2011

Thank you for all your newsea retextures, somehow newsea hair doesn't work in my game, but your retextures make them work, no clue how it comes. Thank you for that! \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 13, 2011

It has been ages hasn't it? \:o  I've been managing. \:cool\:  It has been a cold winter/spring. \:\(  My Dr. changed my pain medication......at 1st I thought that going to a stronger medication was a TOTAL BAD THING.......now I think maybe it was better after all; I'm loopy more often & I sleep sometimes for 10-14hrs when I go to BED.....BUT.....on the other hand I've had hardly any days where I'm gotten so sick to my stomach that I got SICK to my stomach. \;\)  I'm so glad you like what I've made for TS2! \:rah\:  I'm hoping to make more soon. \:D  And there is some stuff that I just hadn't gotten around to giving TSR yet. \:o   I admit some of the CC for TS3 has made me drool more than once.......AND......some of the models that New Sea & a few others use to show off their TS3 content DO look OK. \:D  I'm trying to see where my downloading became my downfall. \:confused\:  For some reason I either deleted a MAXIS light OR I've got a glitch that made it go away cuz even with OUT CC in my game I can't find it.  \:mad\:  It's that one that uses tract lighting & it's a 2x2. \:\(  Anyway........I had trouble getting my PC to read all my discs so I'm kinda SCARED TO start all over again. \:eek\:  I'll find it though BEFORE I upload again......if it KILLS ME! \:ph34r\:  It's good you were able to move back in with your family til your heat was fixed......yes you would have been living like an Eskimo.....including the icicles hanging off your nose. \:P LOL  I'm glad you still find time to make CC for TS2. \:cool\:  So what have you been doing for your $ job these days? \:confused\:  Karen got laid off/let go & she has another job now BUT it doesn't pay as well + there is a LOT of driving involved that WE have to put in the gas for. \:rolleyes:  BUT at least she's employed! \:rah\:  We'v got quite a few friends who are out of work. \:\(  Well wishing you WARM & HAPPY thoughts! \:wub\:

lowiskaApr 28, 2011

Hi Elena, thank you for your great stuff for sims 2, I love your creations \:wub\: Have an amazing week! \:\)

makomewApr 25, 2011

Hi Elena, I want to thank you for all your creations. You make a fantastic job. I really like your hair recolored. Congratulations!!! \:rah\:

sara_ashleyApr 24, 2011

~O~Happy Easter~O~

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

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