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Elena.'s Guestbook

ely_dMay 17, 2009

buna :* si pe mine ma cheama tot elena ...tot din romania ...tot un fanatic sims\:D in schimb eu nu am nici o creatie te invidiez \:D\:D:* tine'o tot asa

WandaJBowenMay 16, 2009

Hello just want to stop by to see your new work. I also wanted to know if you was going to get The Sims3? If so will you be making things for it? Well I hope you have a great weekend.\:D

SunairMay 9, 2009

Thank you very much for the lovely comment on my recent work\:\)

hiedibear75May 7, 2009

Hey Eskimo Sis. \:wub\:  I saw the new outfits you made. \:cool\:  I would get them but my laptop died & the desktop I have crashes with no cc let alone if I were to put some in. \:mad\:  So I'm now stuck with maxis because even with just maxis my game still crashes constantly & I get messages about low virtual memory. \:rolleyes:  I made a blog if you're interested. \;\)  But for the time being I'll just have to look & drool over the new stuff. \:confused\:  Well I hope you're doing OK. \:cool\:  You hardly stop by anymore. \:\(  Well I'm off to bed. \:D  Not feeling all that great so I took a bunch of Rx pain meds & now I'm all groggy (that means tired & that my brain is only working @ 1/2 speed \;\) ), so I'll go ahead & go before I fall out of my chair like your cousin falls out of bed. :P  Take care (wiggles nose). \:wub\:

olcia_olivineaMay 5, 2009

Hi Mia\:\) I'd like to say 'thank you' for your lovely congratulations and warm welcome, it was such a nice surprise to found your message\:wub\: many hugs! Ola

topaz27May 5, 2009

Hi Elena I just wanted to drop by and say hello \:\) I love your new banner and avatar so much \:\) they look awesome, do hope your having a wonderful week \:\)  Topaz \:wub\:

Minxy01May 5, 2009

Your work is amazing. Thank you so much for letting me download them! \:D Keep up the great work!

themcgfamilyMay 3, 2009

hi there elena, great job on all your creations... keep going and making those stories too!  Thanks for sharing!

WandaJBowenMay 2, 2009

Just wanted to tell you that I loved your polls.\:wub\:

simsfawn200May 1, 2009

Thank you for making clothing for the elders....I love my elders and I love for them to be sexy and beautiful! Love does not end when you hit 30...40....50....love lasts forever and so do the desires...lol....one of the elders myself...

Carina94Apr 29, 2009

Yey, pe cine vad aici . Elena, ai devenit foarte cunoscuta \:\) Felicitari! Imediat ma pomenesc ca exista si un site al tau propriu. Ma pot astepta sincer! Nu am intrat de mult pe site ca am renuntat la sims dar uite ca am revenit si ma pun sa fac un big story cu o idee care mi-a nazarit cand eram sub dus \:D Sper ca va fi ceva de capul lui. Acum cautam un program cu care sa fac pozele, sa arate ok, numai ca nu gasesc \:\) Asta e. Sper ca esti bine. Multe salutari >\:D<

judy12Apr 25, 2009

Hi! I realy love your eyes! \:wub\:  It's so beautiful! Keep working! \:rah\:

skystars5Apr 14, 2009

Hi Elena! I've just stopped by to spread a little love and hugs to all of our truly gifted and wonderful FA's. You know how good you are and have many, many fans, that's all that's important. (((HUGS)))\:wub\: ~Marilyn

hiedibear75Apr 13, 2009

Happy Easter Sis. \:wub\:  (drops off basket of chocolate eggs and bunnies)  Hope your Easter & every other day is filled with joy and love. \:wub\:  (wiggles nose)  Bye for now Eskimo Sis. \:wub\:  Stop by if you get a chance. \:cool\:

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

Murphy75Apr 10, 2009

Hi Elena!  I just wanted to say that I really like your banner...the splattered paint looks great!  \:D  Oh, your creations are great too!\;\)

WandaJBowenApr 4, 2009

You have done a good job.Keep up the good work.\:D

Birba32Apr 2, 2009

Hi Elena. Thank you so much for your comment on my underwear set, I appreciate it a lot. \:wub\:  I like too much your buttons on menù, nice idea cherry and chocolate \:D

suzymarieMar 31, 2009

Keep up the great work!!! Thanks for your reply in my guestbook.

PinecatMar 30, 2009

Thank you for your comment about the Walnut Grove Boarding House, Elena!  You're so sweet! \:wub\: Jackie

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