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Elena.'s Guestbook

hiedibear75Feb 23, 2009

LAMO \:D  Same old Hannah. :P  Yeah it's been too cold for me too. \:rolleyes:  But I can tell spring will be here sooner than later (knocks on wooden desk to avoid jynxing) cuz I'm finally growing some decent nails again & my hair doesn't fill up the brush as fast either now that I'm not getting \:puke\:  as often but mind you I still get that \:puke\: just no where near as bad as earlier like in December. \;\)  Well the icky-poo rain keeps throwing me off story track. \:mad\: But I'm plugging away at it. \;\)  I'll let you know when it does comw out. \:cool\:  (wiggles nose) Stay warm Sis. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 19, 2009

I'm glad you liked it. \:cool\:  I've been having a bit of trouble with the next chapter of Matt & Jenny........Dianne's lot keeps crashing.....it's a BIG lot. \;\)  I hope we get to chat soon. \:wub\:  You're never on-line anymore these days. :P  So how is it going? \:\)  Are you breaking Romanian males' hearts? \:D  Just kidding......I know you're too sweet to break anyone's heart. \:wub\:  Well our weather has been wacky. \:confused\:  It'll be raining cats & dogs one day then 2 days later it's sunny and fairly warm.......then we go back to freezing. \:wacko\:  Global warming. \:rolleyes:  So have you gotten much time to play with your Sims? \:\)  Oh & how is Hannah doing.....still falling off the bed? \:D  LMAO  Mike & I were going to see a big concert to see one of our favorite bands but we have to settle for a smaller one; the big concert is at a place that only has seats for disabled at the VERY back of the arena. \:mad\:  So since that is lousy seating we've just decided to go to a club that has some local bands. \:cool\:  Well I suppose I should get going and work on Matt & Jenny some more. \:cool\:  Luv ya Sis. <3 (wiggles nose) <3 Take care and talk with you soon. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

sims2sistersFeb 17, 2009

Hi Elena, thans for your wonderful comment. I appreciate it very much. BTW, Your minisite looks great!!!\:rah\: Keep up great work, Lola

hiedibear75Feb 8, 2009

Axtually #39 is now published. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Feb 8, 2009

M&J fans:#39 "On Our Way" has been uploaded to TSR.  Thank you for you patience with me, winter is not my friend. \:rolleyes:  And we have it again so as soon as it goes I will go to work on the next part. \:cool\:  I hope the chapters are worth the wait. \:confused\:  Thank you again for your support. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 3, 2009

Hey Sis. \:wub\:  My nose was starting to get lonely. \;\)  Glad your health is more stable. \:rah\:  Laurie & her family have electricity working again.......but a LOT of their nieghbors are still with out power. \:confused\:  I'm looking forward to spring and summer too. \:cool\:  I like early autumn when it is not cold yet but a nice cool breeze blows the leaves around, although in southern California only some of our trees loose their leaves and so only some turn colors. \;\)  Mike said that he & Mom will make sure I have subscriptions to TSR so I wont have to worry about having to wait until I can use kudos for a subscription day. \:cool\:   i broke a tooth on Sunday. \:eek\:  So the dentist will see me Tuesday morning and see if he can fix it.......I broke a pretty good size chunk off of a front tooth. \:\(  So how are your studies or job going? \:\)  Are you teaching Romania to speak English yet? \:D  I hope maybe we can catch eachother on yahoo. \:\)  I did get your message you left for me while I was off-line. \;\)  Well hope to chat with you soon. \:cool\:  WIGGLES NOSE TC & stay warm til spring arives. \:wub\:

cadivaFeb 2, 2009

Elena you are such a sweetheart, thank you so much for the defaults, my Sims look forward to getting themselves some beautiful new eyes. And thank you for your lovely comments about my son, he is a delight and brings joy to me every day \:\)

hiedibear75Feb 1, 2009

I've MISSED YOU! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:  It has been ages! \:\(  Well I don't know if I'll Be going to TS3 or not. \:confused\:  My laptop barely handles the TS2 & my cc. \:wacko\:  So chances are......no. \:\(  Oh well. \:D  That will just give me tons of time to work on Matt & Jenny. \;\)  I hope we get to talk soon. \:cool\:  I miss my Eskimo Sister. \:wub\:  Well try to stay warm till spring comes. \:rah\:  TC. \:wub\:  (wiggles nose) \;\) \:cool\:

topaz27Jan 31, 2009

Hi Elena, I am enjoying your wonderful creations in my game so much, awesome work. \:\)  \:wub\:  

topaz27Jan 29, 2009

Hi Elena. Thank you so much for taking part in my first poll, it is so kind of you. \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 25, 2009

Hi Elena, I have just made my very first poll, do hope you will check it out sometime. \:wub\:  \:rah\:

cadivaJan 23, 2009

Hey Elena, thank you so much for offering to make the defaults \:\) I'd say probably a normal default set using the gray shade and whichever green you prefer, although if you're feeling really generous you could always make two sets with the other green and the violet instead of the gray. Whatever you decide to do would be absolutely brilliant anyway!

lollovemysimsJan 22, 2009

Love the fairies!  They're beautiful.  Great work!!!

topaz27Jan 21, 2009

Hi Elena, It's me again, downloaded your 'Bubbles' set today and they look awesome in the game, Thank you so much. \:wub\:  \:rah\:

topaz27Jan 12, 2009

Hi Elena, Thank you so much for converting your 'Bubbles' set for adults, it is so kind of you to take the time to do this, and I can't wait to download them as soon as they are released. Many Thanks \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:  \:rah\:  \:rah\:  \:rah\:

simal10Jan 8, 2009

Hey, you've changed your avi and banner!!!  they both look fantastic sweetie \:\) \:wub\: And I'm loving your new object set also.. Tou totally rock on object meshing as you do in clothing \:\) Have a wonderful day!! Hugs \:wub\:

JenndiJan 5, 2009

Hi! Could you answer me a question???? How could anybody make some clothes or objects???

irene_busyJan 3, 2009

Have a Happy New Year from Romania \:D \;\)

jsfJan 2, 2009

Hi Elena, I was away and missed wishing you a Merry Christmas, but I'm not too late to wish you all the best in 2009. Happy New Year \:\), judi

simaddict99Dec 31, 2008

Wishing you all the best for the Season and a Happy New Year! \:wub\: Alex aka Simaddict99

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