Elut's Blog
Why we all love patches
First Microsoft updated my Vista, which mad my computer shutdown when I tried to play Sims. After I got that sorted out, EA patched Sims which either made the game quit to desktop or not open at all. In between and not something that have any influence on sims, but it is very annoying, I have tried to get rid of kiwee toolbar. Now I hopefully have got it all working again.
Busy and cold
For once we really have winter here in Denmark with snow and frost and everything for more than a month and we, my dog and I have really enjoyed it. I know I haven´t been so active here, but a combination of way to much work and a brilliant update from Microsoft that made my computer shutdown everytime I tried to play Sims I haven´t got that much building done. I was working on a project and luckily it has not been damaged by Bill and his friends, so I hope I´ll have something up this weekend.
I will now return to my waffles, tea and knitting and enjoy the rest of my first night of the weekend.
Merry Christmas
To all my Friends
and all that has found thier way
to my little site
I wish:
Be safe and take care of each other
December is here
I know I haven´t been so good at uploading stuff, but I have had so much fun playing WA. On another note, we have entered the best month in the year - yes I love Christmas, really, really a lot. I´ve already started decorating my house and today I made honey cakes (bit like gingerbread I think). Too bad you can´t smell them through the picture because they smells great. They have to lie for a couple of days before they get decorated and they taste like Christmas. The decorating was a bit challenging this year because everything has it´s specific place, but now I have rearrange the whole house so I had to find new places for it.
I have a lot of projects that I hopefully can get done in between everything else, so keep an eye out and enjoy the best month of the year.
There seems to be some problems for some installing this lot. I am working on it right now. My main suspicion is one of the store items and if you have had problems couldn´t you leave a comment telling if you have or don´t have the required items. You can install it with Merlin if you want.
You can get Merlin here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/programs/details/title/TSR%20Merlin/id/113/
Life according to me vers 2 :(
Well I just had one of the longest nights ever with a very sick little dog. She´s had bloody diarrhea and vomiting all night and I was so worried that it was parvo. I just came back from the vet and it´s not (doing a little happy dance) it´s some kind of stress related food intolerance thing and she should be fine in a couple of days. It fits okay because I picked her up at the kennel thursday, I had a 3 day trip to Hungary (work), so a lot of stress and new food. It was actually the second time this month I had to drop her of at the kennel. On top of that we where at the vet last week for a scan, no puppies :(.
I had 2 birthday parties last weekend and to make things even more fun I have another 3 day trip with work in 2 weeks, but then I´ll take a week of. I do hope that I´ll get room for some simming this weekend, but we´ll see.
Edit October 2. I´m on a roll here. After a control scan to make absolutely sure that there is no puppies, my dog has decided that there is - hurrah for false pregnancy!!!
Still here
I´m not gone or dissapeared or anything, I´m just really, really tired. I now have a funtional kitchen, it´s not done but it looks great. I also have new floors almost all over the house, all in all it´s a new home. 3 days in London did not help on my feets and ankles that was hurting from the 2 weeks of hard work, but it was great. Now I have sent my dog of on a date with cute male jack russell and hopefully it will end up with puppies in november. I am planning on getting back to doing some simming when I have packed out all my boxes.
Mette :)
For those interested
I have made a gallery with pictures from my kitchen renovation. I have promised some of you to keep you updated and I will ad pictures as the project progress.
I´m Back
I finally got a hole through the submitting page, don´t know what has been wrong or if it´s just pure luck. That means that I have 2 lots one -that would be today - and one tomorrow. I hope that is the end of my troubles, but keep your fingers crossed!!