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Elut's Blog

So I found my camera

I finally located my camera and have managed to take some before pics of my kitchen. Just a warning: I have started to clear out the cupboards so it´s rather messy and I got the urge to do some strawberry jam in the middle of it all. The last one is my ever growing pile of stuff that needs to be thrown out.




The box on the floor is my new cooking hood, don´t have any where else to store it and the last pig is the "trashpile". Some of it is going to the 2ndhand store, but most of it divided into bags with paper, plastic and such ready to be thrown out when my dad arrives with his car :-).



I´ll remember to post pics as the works progress.


Lots in Limbo

I have not stopped making lots , I just have some problems getting them submitted, but I´ll give you some previews of the ones I have ready. The first on is a Manor/castle type of house, located on top of a hill. It´s pretty big and there´s a long way to the top. The second one is a danish style farm house, very cozy and romantic. The last one is a modern house with some seaside inspiration. Hope you´ll like them.



I hope I´ll get the submitting issue done soon, so I can upload these.



Life according to me :)

Let´s just say that my life isn´t boring right now. My kitchen project has been delayed a couple of weeks due to problems delivering the worktop. Today a meet up with a beautiful young guy named Bob, who´s going to be the father of my dog´s puppies next time she is in heat (you can see her in my gallery). I´m also going to London with my sister and my nephew for couple of days and if that wasn´t enough I learned that I am going to be an aunt again in January. I hope I´m up to it ;).



May be missing in action.

As a few of you know I am going to do some mayor redecoration of my house, so I might not be so much around. On the other hand i might need some time of from it so you never know. Right now I having some trouble submitting, but hopefully it will be solved soon.


I get a lot of comments like: I wish I had your imagination or I wish I could build like you, so I decided to give up some of my secrets...The truth is I steal!!! or as we say in the design world - get inspired.


I use goggle a lot, especially the picture site. Do a search on modern house, Victorian Mansions or Urban apartments and you´ll get tons of hits. Real estate and Architects sites are also great for inspiration, because you get a lot of pictures of the whole house and the blueprints. I don´t often build from blueprints, as they not always translate well, but I look for details that I can use.


I also look at the world around me. I don´t know how many times I have realised that I was looking at a house and trying to figure out how I could do that in Sims. If I see something that I can use I´ll take a picture with my phone.


I definitely also get inspired by all the other great builders around the sims community . It´s always good to see how other people use the tools in sims.


Most of all when building it´s trial and error, believe me I´ve done and redone so many of my houses you would be amazed.


I hope you can use some of these tricks and feel free to get inspired!!




I´m not gone

A combonation of real life and me not pulling my self together to get my lots ready for uploading, has ment a bit of a dry period on this site. But I am working on it now and there will soon be some new homes up for sale for your sims to enjoy. I hope you will like them - when they are finished.



For all Backrow Downloaders!!!

Well it was bound to happen at some point. The really nice publich phone I have used in these lots might not be working as it should. If you have problems with it you can replace it the maxis one and if you don´t think the wonderfull blue colorscheme fits the theme you can always download on of these recolors:http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/NK%20PI%20Public%20Phones/id/477438/. I am so sorry for the inconvinience.

Happy Easter

I´m of on Easter Holiday the next week, so I won´t be around.


Happy Easter



Backrow expanded

I am working on some lots to go with my Backrow Workhouse. Right now I have a pub, tailor and butcher shop and a cemetery. I have some more ideas and are working on them right now. They will be ready for uploading soon so keep an eye out


Even a blind chicken...

I found out that I need glasses, not sure what this will mean. Maybe my uploads will get better (not using toilets as flowerpots or the likes) or maybe everything gets so clear and crisp that I just sit and marvel over all the things other people have done. 


I am working on a long term project right now, but I have some lots I want to do inbetween so keep a look out.

Latest Headlines

So I found my camera Lots in Limbo Life according to me :) May be missing in action. Inspiration I´m not gone For all Backrow Downloaders!!! Happy Easter Backrow expanded Even a blind chicken...
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