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Elut's Guestbook

MsBarrowsMar 9, 2009

Nope, no mailbox recolour yet! I did start on a dilapidated community lot stuff set a while back, but only got as far as recolouring the phone box before getting distracted by other things. May get back to it at some point, time allowing \:\)

IllianaMar 5, 2009

Hello you wonder-builder you! \:D Why yes...I DID use CC. *Gasp* Well, even I need a break from Maxis once in a while. \:P I always love hearing from you, and I never tire of the ego-boost you give me when you leave a comment. \:wub\: Thanks Mette...you're the best! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

6akalaka1Mar 3, 2009

your creations are very cool! Can't wait to see more from you \:\)

wideopeneyesMar 2, 2009

Well I'm glad you like my window obsession because there's many more sets to come, lol! \;\)

UdontKnowMar 2, 2009

Hey, thanks for your congrats, your creations are inspireing!!! Keep it up \;\)

francienMar 1, 2009

\:DAlmost everything is back in my game strange thing was that my computer didn't recognize the last cd..well hopefully it will working for longer time..I have browsing through your lots, I find them incredible and love them all the grungy ones are the ones I like to build myself..crumbling walls and dirt on the ground, it give some realistic vieuw to the game, each place have some of this kind buildings/streets or you have to live at the country and even than you find a shed wich look he will be fall down in short time..Anyway thank you for writing back and for your interest, I like that \:rah\:for now: Have a great sunday further, here it looks like the spring is coming soon wich I really hope \:wub\:

JCIssetteMar 1, 2009

Ohhh, my friend, Mette. Thanks for the sweet comment you left me about Haven Avenue. I didn't like the M&G colors at first, but I am trying to find ways where they might look good, because I love the design. It is a real stretch of the imagination, believe me.:P  I am thrilled you like the lot. Have a great day.\:wub\:  Judy

ILikeMusic640Mar 1, 2009

Hey! Thanks for the congrats!  \:D I hope you have an awesome day  -Claire

2QuestionableFeb 28, 2009

Oh, and congrats on the Select Artist status!!!  No one is more deserving around for that kudo that you!  I can't wait to see what new lots you create for the challenges and for TSR in general.  \:\)

2QuestionableFeb 28, 2009

That's really weird about the Sue arches...  never thought she would have made a whole separate arch mesh for the London/Aston arches.  Good to know though!  Made me double check the files so I can make sure to see your arch recolor properly when I go to use my dilapidated row houses.  \:D

b-bettinaFeb 27, 2009

Hello Mette! Thank you so much for the congrats, I'm glad to be the part of the team! \:D Have a great day! \:wub\: \;\)

Shahriar32StarlineFeb 27, 2009

Hi Mette!\:\) I really like your lots!\:D

wideopeneyesFeb 26, 2009

Thank you for your congratulations Elut, I am very happy to have become an FA! \:\)

seelindarunFeb 25, 2009

Woot!  Really?!  I didn't expect it so soon!  I've gotta make space -- all these lots you've given us, especially the rowhouses...  My 'hood needs more roads! \:eek\: Thanks so much for each and every one of them.  I can't wait to play with the Express. \:wub\:

BBKZFeb 25, 2009

Hey there \:D THANK YOU so much for birthday wishes you left in my GB (and at forum). It's so great feeling that I have met here so many friendly people \:D I started this day in a little crazy way (you can read about it at our forum, haha \:D ) but it's my birthday, they should be crazy \;\) Anyway.. thank you one more time \:D Hugs, Barb \:D

MsBarrowsFeb 22, 2009

*Steals more of your lots to use in my play 'hood*

francienFeb 21, 2009

You do?? that is a great compliment for me, thank you so much..I'm in the middle of uploading my files after the gardenshotscontest my game didn't recognize my cd\:\( no clue why but I had to re-install it again..pfffff but everything is up so far and running..now my lots back and hopefull everything works. Have a great weekend \:wub\:

seelindarunFeb 21, 2009

I did not at all understand that the forum challenges don't require you to upload your entry as well as the pictures. \:o  I looked at the whole slideshow though, and that lot was AMAZING!!  I'm beside myself, but I can wait until you get around to it -- as long as you don't forget! \;\)

seelindarunFeb 21, 2009

Aha!  So there are a few more JD-like lots hiding in your back catalogue!  I'm so happy I jogged your memory; I'm off to the forums to snatch your October entry. \:D

seelindarunFeb 20, 2009

Well how 'bout I throw out some ideas, not requests, because I don't have any expectation that you'll necessarily like them. :P  How about a seedy motel?  I'd make it small enough to be played as a family residential, as a boarding house for a group of new uni grads or elders, or an apartment.  Or a community lot idea, a hazardous roller derby?  I would place junk and obstacles in the rink, maybe add a bar or small restaurant, and perhaps put it in an abandoned factory.  Two more ideas that are variations on the lots you've already done: a thrift store for used clothes, books and broken electronics.  In my 'hood I built a twin to your junkyard public park using a basketball court instead of the playground equipment, and a tiny coffee bar.  It's more of a hangout for teens and adults just starting out.

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