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Elut's Guestbook

paramitiDec 21, 2009

Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! paramiti~

olcia_olivineaDec 20, 2009

~ Dear Mette, may your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love\:\) Merry Christmas! Hugs& love, Ola \:wub\: ~

francienDec 20, 2009

Wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and may the New Year be filled with love~joy and happyness!\:wub\:

StrawbzDec 18, 2009

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a creative New Year - Strawbz \:\)

eviDec 17, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, Elut\:wub\:   May you have peace and happiness in your Journey this year.

JCIssetteDec 2, 2009

I had a little dog that did that one time. I never wanted puppies so I had her fixed right away. The doctor said it might lead to cancer if she did it often. Well, try again and let me know if it works. LOL Have a good one, Mette. Hugs, Judy

JCIssetteDec 2, 2009

Thanks, Mette! I appreciate you looking at my lots. I need to play WA more. I went to Egypt, but that is all so far. I like the new EP. My poor Sims were so glad to get out of the house for a change. LOL Have the new puppies come yet? I have not been keeping up. I hope all went well with her.  Have a good one, my friend. Hugs, Judy

EthelleNov 17, 2009

Hello there! I just dropped by to say that I love your work and that I'm very glad that you've chosen to share your creations with the world. Especially 'Quaint' and 'The Hideout' are absolute masterpieces. \:wub\: Now, I must rush off, because I have some sims that need to move in to your Brick House 1. \:D  

IllianaNov 16, 2009

Ah my feathered and fanciful friend...this move has been even more tedious than I anticipated, and it's been harder to get online than I would like lately. Hopefully things will settle down in the next few weeks and I can get back to doing what I do best...giving the mods and members a reason to appreciate my occasional abscences. \:P LOL! Seriously though, I miss you bunches...and want to thank you VERY much for the kind compliment on the Aycayia Cove lot. You know I respect your opinion very much, not to mention that I just love seeing your chickeny face in my comments section. \:D Love you muchly! - Tammy

Coop2cooNov 8, 2009

Elut, yes I do have the store items, \:rah\: I finally did get it installed. Thanks for your help!\:D

lauriejNov 4, 2009

no didn't try with merlin will download and try it.

MoMamaNov 2, 2009

Thank you, Elut, for your kind comment on my NK Custom Wall Clock. I appreciate you taking the time to do it! \:D \:D

Peachybitz1Oct 26, 2009

Hi Elut, just wanted to say that although i haven't commented on other of your patterns they are all great, that particular pattern i think stood out cause its bright and bold, i downloaded the Octane suit from the ea store and it was fab with that pattern on the jacket...so i just wanted to say thanks for all the other great patterns i downloaded too..\:wub\:

fredbrennyOct 9, 2009

Oww...I feel sorry for your dog...\:\(...and for you too. Can't you give her a small pluche toy doggy and pretend it's her baby? Nehhh...your dog probably won't buy it... Is she going to have another try, meaning: are you letting her have another try for puppies? The trip to California was just wonderful. Downside is I had so much catching up to do Sim wise (TSR wise) I think I'm back in the saddle now! Have a wonderful weekend!

IllianaOct 4, 2009

Well aren't I a putz?! I missed your birthday...blasted, lousy friend that I am! A VERY happy belated birthday, Mette! I also want to belate you some more. \:P A belated thanks for the cool comment you left on the Celia lot, a belated "you always know how to make me laugh!" on your blog comment about my vacation, and an UBER belated thanks for helping inform those who apparently missed my blog that I could not answer until I returned from the aforementioned vacation. \:D Hmmm...I am thinking that there probably isn't ANYTHING you can't do, and even better? You do it all with a smile. \:wub\: YOU are the best!!!! Thank you for everything! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

eviSep 20, 2009

I wish you a very happy birthday Elut! Have loooooooooooooooooots of fun!\:rah\:

JCIssetteSep 17, 2009

Thanks, Mette, for looking at my problem castle.\:D I guess it was worth the sweat and tears I spent on it. LOL. You are right. Now all we need are some vampires. I guess we will have to pretend. \:D Are you enjoying your new kitchen? Be sure and keep us posted on the little mama. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

bmertens65Sep 16, 2009

lol so true!  I am a chocolate lover...how did you know?!  \:D

JCIssetteSep 15, 2009

\:D Oh, I am hanging in there as an SA and in real life. Do you think there will be just one puppie? Or more? Are you going to sell the puppies? My sister tried to breed her dog to sell the puppies and now she has five dogs. LOL She was too tenderhearted to let them go even when people wanted to buy them. Well, let us know what the doc says. You are about to be a grandma. LOL\:D

bmertens65Sep 15, 2009

true you can still download it \:\).  but I know for me I would be disappointed if it wasnt exactly like the pictures \:\(, but still I commend you for wanting to do it right and it looks great...I dont think if you didn't put all that stuff in it that it would have the same character that it does now \:\).  I just am jealous cause I dont have all those items and me want!!  lol

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