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Elut's Guestbook

IllianaSep 4, 2009

Hey...I built it...it's already scary! \:P Seriously. How often do I attempt a "starter"? LOL! Thanks Mette, you always know what to say to make me check my ego and laugh with the rest of the world. \:wub\: (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

NewtlcoSep 2, 2009

TSR gone crazy! I haven't seen your GB entry! It is so kind Mette \:wub\: Then, thanks twice \:D

NewtlcoSep 2, 2009

Hiya Mette!! How are you ding? Thanks for the comment.IT means a lot to me \:\) Have a great day :]

IllianaAug 30, 2009

Ah my friend...I am indeed honored that you commented on the Simsai Library lot...tired and exhausted as you probably are right now! \:wub\: Any news on the puppies yet? I'm crossing my fingers for you, and hoping you get some well deserved rest as well. \:D (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

hiedibear75Aug 23, 2009

Cool! \:rah\:  So now you get to be a doggy grammy. \:wub\:  I need to get back to making some more pets actually. \;\)  Hope you have fun with the Sim Elvira & enjoy all the real puppies from the real one. \:wub\: 

cadivaAug 20, 2009

I love Le Cruset, my mum has a load of them, Mike was supposed to be getting me one for my birthday  but it's not arrived yet!

JCIssetteAug 20, 2009

Hmmm...how much is a ticket????\:D

JCIssetteAug 19, 2009

Now, Mette, did you really think I expected you to read my book during a kitchen remodel.\:D A book can wait when you're getting your dream kitchen built. There will be plenty of time for reading after all your cleaning up and getting everything just right for your stream of dinner guests. Am I invited for some of that good food you are going to cook in your new kitchen???\:D  Yummy! And I bet you are a good cook.\:wub\:

IllianaAug 19, 2009

*SQUEAL!!!!* Congratulations on the upcoming new members of your family! \:rah\: \:D (Ok...I realize you're still waiting to be certain, but let's be excited anyway. LOL!) I am sure you are spoiling your sweet furry friend to death. LOL! You know how pregnant creatures are....I am sure she will be much more willing to accept a small elephant after the birth. \:P OMG! You KNIT too? \:confused\: Is there anything you can't do? No need to go hunting me down like the animal I am. I've had so little time to build lately, that I've had to spend a lot less time on the site than I would like just to scrape time to play my game. \:\( I am really enjoying it though - Bugs and all! I've had a few people ask if I'll build more in TS2, but after building in TS3 it's just so hard to get into TS2 now. (What do you MEAN I can't change the pattern/color/wood on this sofa? Why is this gardener person stomping his feet at me?!) Etc., etc. \:P I really should though. If it's what people want, and all that. \;\) Ok...talked your eyeballs off, so I'll leave you to spoling your sweet baby. \:D Always happy to hear from you!!!! \:wub\: - Tammy

IllianaAug 19, 2009

Hello my nutty friend! \:wub\: Sorry I've been MIA, but...ah just read my blog if you want the full scoop. \:P It's neither here nor there now, as I have now arrived...you may return your seats to their full and upright positions. \:D I left a comment on your amazing new kitchen shots, and am just thrilled that you have your beautiful new kitchen all done and looking so gorgeous! You certainly deserve nice things. While I'm here, let me thank you for the sweet compliment you gave me on the Cajun Moon lot, and thank you also for not dropping off the first page of my guestbook. I would be devastated if I didn't see that awesome chickeney face staring at me when I open it up. \:D Have a fantastic day, Mette...and know that I love you dearly! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

JCIssetteAug 18, 2009

New puppies, how exciting. Be sure and post pics of the puppies and the kitchen. \:D

SmellyAug 9, 2009

Hi Elut thanks for writing to me. \:D

IllianaJul 27, 2009

Mette - You DO know that you are my favorite...right? \:P \:wub\: Seriously...thanks for the congrads on the FA thingie. It shouldn't be too long now before we start seeing YOU on that list as well. LOL! You have such an amazing imagination! By the way...pictures! You told me you were uploading pictures! So GIVE already! \:P (((Huggles))) - Illiana

eviJul 26, 2009

Hi Elut! Thank you very much for congratulating me\:\) See you around\;\)

KatelysJul 26, 2009

Thank you very much for the congrats\:\)I'm glad to be a SA once again\:D

ekinegeJul 26, 2009

Hi Elut! Thank you so much for the congrats.\:wub\:

NeptuneSuzyJul 25, 2009

Hi Elut! thanks for the congrats, and I'm not sure if I congratulated you a few weeks ago so here it is: congratulations to you too for being a Sims3 SA! Have a great weekend! ~ Sue \:D

Vanilla SimJul 25, 2009

Hi Elut, Thank you so much for the congrats. I was very surprised and excited. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Love & Hugs, Robin \:wub\:

AppleFallJul 25, 2009

Thank you for writing a wonderful comment in my guestbook. And well done to you for being one of the first SA's for Sims 3 - you deserved it! Have a great weekend \:wub\:

BlackGardenJul 21, 2009

That's ok, it's all a bit confusing at the moment, but you can use that one \:\) If you want to use any of my other non-TSRAA ones just gimme a yell via PM \:D

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