FrozenStarRo's Blog
Still around
I'd really like to apologize for being on here more rarely than I used to but exams have taken up a lot of my time and attention for the past month. Luckily I'll be done in about 2 weeks, with only 2 more exams left to go, giving me enough time to get back into creating stuff.
I got back to Homecrafter two days ago and made a few walls sets and floors that I can't wait to post, I just need to work on the preview images for them hehe :)
And some of my older clothes sets, I need to take screenshots of those aswell so I can finally post them here.
Oh yeah and I'm just so excited about the Sims 3, less than a month to go till the release!
More about me... future creations
I have recently upgraded my page to a minisite so my page looks more organized and clean. I personally prefer it better and have been saving kudos for quite some time for it =) I recently started my senior year in Uni and it's not easy to balance school, freelanced art and other graphics projects but I'm trying my best to find the time for new creations. I have a major problem with my keyboard not taking screenshots, the printscreen button just won't work so I have to borrow my mom's once a week in weekends for screenshots on all the items created throughout the week. Now I'm very curious what people would like to see me create more. Hmm... I should make a poll. And for curious eyes... The image used in my banner in full size: