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Family Emergency!

***Update - June 2***
This is the first real chance I've gotten to sit down and write to let everyone know how things are going. I'm still in MS with my family and my mom was discharged from the hospital last Tuesday, 27 May. She is doing better but not quite 100%. That's to be expected though. This whole experience was a big scare for the whole family, especially when I was called Monday while flying home and was told that during the night my mom's heart stopped and she had to be resuscitated twice. For some reason after being resuscitated her body seemed to reboot and she started to get better, slowly but surely. After a few days in ICU, she was able to be moved to a regular room in the cancer wing. The reason for her hospitalization was caused from a new chemo treatment she was given the week before she was brought in. Here's a short version of what happened to caused her hospitalization. The chemo caused her body to produce blood slower and since she's already anemic not enough blood started causing issues with her heart and caused it to stop. She also had a really bad infection that set in and started to take over her body. Anyway that's a short version. Right now, she's doing good but she's having trouble getting around (she's also an amputee) but me and two of my sisters are helping her out with that. My niece is also doing better. She was diagnosed with Leukemia this past February. I seen her last in November '07 so I was really happy to be able to visit her twice these pass two weeks. She also started a new chemo that seems to be working. The doctors are expecting her to start remission soon. If she does she'll be sent to Children's Hospital for a bone marrow transplant in the next few weeks. I want to thank everyone who PM'd me or left comments. I really appreciate all of the prayers and support. Thank you guys sooooo very much!!!
***11 May***
I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around for a while due to a family emergency. My mother was diagnosed with small cell cancer in October. She went into remission in January but the cancer came back in March. Last night she was rushed to the hospital with a severe infection and is now in ICU. The doctors are doing all that they can but still told my father that all the family needs to be contacted to know how serious her condition is. I'm flying home tomorrow on a one way ticket to be with my family in Mississippi. I have no idea when I'll be back to my home in Virginia. I have uploads already set to go out until the end of the month but I won't be able to reply to messages or comments. Thanks! Priscilla
These ribbons are for my mom, Mary, who was diagnose with Small Cell Cancer in October '07. My 11 year old niece Hannah, diagnose with Leukemia in February '08. And my uncle T-Boy, diagnose with Lung Cancer in '04 (he was in remission until this past March)!

hlkids3 VIP ∙ May 21, 2008

Where do I begin to express my sympathy for you and your family. I will be praying for you and yours. Safe trip and God Bless.

TrailRunner782 ∙ May 12, 2008

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope everything turns out for the best and take care!

zvaella ∙ May 12, 2008

I am so, so sad to hear that. I certainly hope that all goes well for your mom and your family, and that you'll be able to spend a nice time with your mother. I am at a loss for words right this moments, but know my prayers are with you.

Ajoya ∙ May 11, 2008

I want to let you know that I send my deepest sympathy and that I will be praying for your mom and the family. Have a safe trip & spend as much time with the family as possible. (Sometimes we take precious moments for granted) =o)

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