More On My Blahblah Blog
Hi Again Kids!
Okay kitchen is done.. no more excuses for me.
'Puter is like brand new, actually I could have gotten a new one for the price we paid to upgrade this one. I have a great graphics card with it's own fan and more power..and I needed a new DVD drive even though I got it replace a year my 'puter is like shiny new and I'm happy.
Now for what's coming up. I recolored most of the Seasons country objects and I have added a surprise. It was something I wanted recolored. You'll have to wait and see.
I have the screenies done, now to size them to package up the stuff and upload and I'm done.
Luv, Me
Oh wait! One more thing I have to do...I haven't responded to everyones grand comments and I'll be doing that as well. Didn't fiveget anyone...really!
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