InvasionOfTheSims2 (1217382)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Nomadic Match Maker Dress In Blues
Published Nov 17, 2005
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About Me
I am a Simmer love to skin and build recolor objects. I do not know how to mesh for that is way to complecated. But I can do many other fun stuff. Write stories and now working on a movie. I love The Sims 2 Games and own all of them. Waiting now for the next EP and the Holiday Party Pack. I enjoy other things in life such as beeing with family and friends, travel, draw, paint, crochet. I am Christian and Love Jesus Christ, I do not push this to no one it is up to each person if they want Him as his savior in the Spiritual world that is coming. But I like to listen to good music like Journey, ZZTop, Cher, Led Zepplin, alot of the 60's music too.
My Latest Updates Show All
Meshes For All Downloads For The Sims 3?Written Jan 22, 2011
Okay I remember a long time ago we had to download the meshes separably! And I see no link to the new meshes and where they are? Or are they in the download in the Sims3 packages? Or what! Any one please tell me how that works now! Thank you! ...More
What I Have Been Up To Lately!Written Apr 05, 2009
I have been busy doing other things in life like have been crocheting outfits to wear, bought a brand new computer The Dell Studio Hybrid it is cool and small tower about only 9" tall about 5" wide etc. The only thing I need now is a wide screen monitor eaither for the DVI-I or the HDMI 1.2 for I had to get a special connector to convert the DVI-I to Vega and I think that is why I can not seem... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jomsimsJan 23, 2011
hello! first thank you for your coment and you download objects set separatly.
MangioJan 23, 2011
"Okay I remember a long time ago we had to download the meshes separably!
And I see no link to the new meshes and where they are? Or are they in
the download in the Sims3 packages? Or what! Any one please tell me how
that works now! Thank you!" The meshes are included in the file, no need for downloading separately which is really convenient ^^ Hope that helps
ShinoKCRDec 03, 2009
Hi! You was asking if the XMasmarket is compatible with WA - Yes it is hon Huggles Renate